Book report?
In reading class we have to write a book report. I got a book from the library yesterday and finished reading it yesterday, but I have no idea how to write a book report! I don't know where to start! Can anyone help me?
Start with a paragraph introducing the book; title, author, genre and a brief summary of the story.
Then you can go into more detail on what happens, who the characters are, the setting (time, location etc).
You can add things like why you think the author used certain words or phrases, or what you think he meant by certain things and why you think bits worked or not. A few sentences about what you liked or didn't like shows that you paid attention and thought about what you were reading. It's ok to use small quotes for these bits, as long as you dont just hand in a bunch of "bits I liked"
You could also finish with whether you would recommend the book to someone else, who & why.
Thanks for the help! It should get me started!
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