Let's write a neverending story!

27 replies since 31st December 2009 • Last reply 31st December 2009

and they found marina, a girl who had absolutely nothing at all to do with costumes or marianne, though she was a great cook.
she was taken prisoner for dinner by the giant evil muffin sprinkle, who had become evil because the muffin got all the attention but the sprinkles are what makes the muffin so good(or so the great evil muffin sprinkle thought).

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Jeff and Juim rummaged in their magic bags for just the right tool to free Marina from the wicked muffin sprinkle - COFFEE!
They sprayed coffee everywhere and the muffin sprinkle started to dissolve and melt away. Marina was overjoyed with her new found freedom and asked if she could do anything to repay the brothers.

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Jeff and Jim took Marina up on her offer and asked her to help look for Marianne. Agreeing to the request, Marina started twitching her nose, saying 'hocus pocus' and dancing the pony, the three of travelers poofed away and ended up at the other end of the rainbow, where stood Marianne.

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Surprised Marianne and a score of leprechauns stared at the apparitions, who shook away their teleport-lag and, without so much as a hello, informed Marianne that she could help with their costumes after all.
She gave them a slight glare, Marina a once-over and said, "I can't... I'm helping the leprechauns update their uniform for the new era!"

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"But, we need your help!" They pleaded.
"Tough luck. So do my friends," replied Marianne

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Marina sudddenly started to cry because she was getting no attention from the echidna. So she suddenly exploded from her sadness.

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But this was no ordinary explosion. The sadness had triggered an ancient type of magic....which turned her in to 17 beautiful giant butterflies!!

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And since 17 is the luckiest number, the leprechauns jumped to the rescue, turning the butterfly Marinas into one faerie Marina.
Faerie Marina looked around dazedly until one young leprechaun hurried to lead her to the Quiet Room to regain her senses.

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once she had regained her senses, she realized that she could clone Marianne so that she could help the leprechauns and the animals.

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But Marianne didn't want to be cloned and she didn't want to help the brothers. She was still upset about the way that they had initially treated her.

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So marianne got her helpful gangsta ninjas and set them out to attack everyone. Even the leprechauns!

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What she didn't know was that the ninjas were actually just teddy bears. She got so enraged that she....

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sneezed very and hard and bits of scrap felt shot out of ears from years of crafting. She was so crafty that she made something out of them, and that was...

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