23 replies since 11th April 2008 • Last reply 11th April 2008

Yeah! My tom was watching me read some cut out and keep comments the other day and he remarked how he liked cut out and keep because everyone on it was so nice.
we are a truly lovely bunch!

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aww I would agree Happy

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Yes, everyone is really nice here, and helpful when it comes to crafts. I love it, and I'm happy for it. I'm Glad i stumbled onto this site. It has helped me a lot, and given me a nice place to rant when i normally keep everything very hushed around me (because I'm always surrounded by the people i want to kill) but none of them will go on a craft site.

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I agree Happy although I wonder what it would be like living together 'I STAB YOU WITH KNITTING NEEDLE AAAAAH!' Happy I like how its all very encouraging and understanding and yeh just nice!

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its stressful, I'm sick a lot because I'm so stressed. But, here i have nice people to talk to, understanding people, and good advice givers. And everyone, though we have very different backgrounds, seems to have a slight inkling of what others are talking about. Its better than talking to people that are always stopping you to get you to explain (i like typing because no one but yourself can disturb you). I love it hereHappy I couldn't imagine what it be like if i still had to hold onto all of this in my chest (well, i do, but i think i might be in prison, and a lot of blood on my kitchen floor... maybe, or I'd still be a push-over)

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It is always great to be able to talk about things you normally cant, sometimes it is even better when they are strangers. Happy My lil sis comes here sometimes, so I keep pretty quiet Happy

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Ya, I like it cause i can rant all i want, which helps, because lately the world seems really unfair. Very very unfair.

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Jasmin, you are working up a whole lot of frenzy for a cake for your mother. I know the effort you are putting into the cake can become tiring. She will still love you for all of your efforts or little of them. A cake does not a relationship make, remember that.
The misfit living with you is going to be but a small mark in your life, so live thru it, not in it. Make the best of it as it appears the self centered punk and lowlife that he may be now reminds us of all of those bumps in our path of life. How you go over the bump and deal with it is what makes us stronger.
Maybe the chocolate sounds expensive to me, but your tears and heartbreak over the damage caused are easily replaced by a warm loving embrace by your mother.

Mothers accept everything from their children, because it was from her own tears of love that she had borne them! ~ Love to all the children of mothers and fathers here who will become mothers and fathers of children.

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Ya, i got over it. It just really bugged me at the time, mostly cause he did it after i warned him not to. Which kind of just tells me that he was doing it to piss me off. But he got one hell beating (not like physically) from my boyfriend and now just complains about how i've got my boyfriend whipped to my every compand. But, its going to be fun to watch his life spiral out of control. And my mom loved the replacement cake, even though it wasn't as good as the one before.

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