Diversity Week

20 replies since 6th March 2008 • Last reply 6th March 2008

Ah right fair enough.

I completely diagree Opposites. I think that religion's main fault is that it requires too much devotion. No one should just blindly follow a set of rules. You should take from faiths and religions all the bits which appeal to you; after all, humans created religion, it's to serve our purposes

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I think if someone came up to me and said 'I'm a Catholic' or whatever and said they they believed in everything the bible said I'd be a bit like 'errrm' as long as they were nice that would make up for their hypocrisy lol I have a friend who beleives in it ALL, even the garden of eden and noah's ark stuff, shes the kinda person who believes anything that anyone tells her and it doesnt surprise me that she believes in that as gospel LOL gospel seeeee what I did, yet she doesn't do all the things someone who believed in it that much would do. She only went to church to get into a school.

Because of reading books by Brian Froud and having a complete love of the idea of fairies forever, I like to think that fairies are the personified versions of nature, I'm not saying I really beleive that at the bottom of our garden under our trees fairies dance about and stuff ( my mum used to make up stories about fairies like that lol) but I just believe in energies and auras and karma. I think because of my artisticness I see shapes in everything and I always feel something from like even a small plant, like how I would when I looked at a person, I can't explain it but you get the jist.

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I didn't say that you had to follow it blindly though, I said I don't see the point if you are not fully involved.
I am talking about, actually going to mass, confessing etc. As I grew up in the catholic church that is the only one I can talk about. My main peeve about it is I was being told that I HAD to go to mass every sunday, HAD to this and that etc, but did my parents or other people I knew go? No, so what I'm saying is if you are going to claim you belong to something at least show a bit of interest.

I'm with you Kitten on not following blindly, too many people are sheep, but as an I am an atheist I don't agree either with just taking pieces from other religions, because as you say you are just making it up, I just don't see the point in believing in something just to have something to believe in. Just my opinion. Happy

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What is religion except believing something just to have something to believe in?

I see it as, you have your own beliefs to begin with. Maybe some people can change themselves to fit to a religion but I can't. I chose Wicca because it fit in with my existing belief system.

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That's the thing though, most people DON'T change. I'm always impressed when someone can explain to me about their religion, or if they have changed religions like you have.
We have had lots of guests in our flat, we do the couchsurfing thing and one of them was a humanist and it was great that she actually knew so much about it! Which is rare when I have spoken to people from more christian religions(this is people I know).

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Religion to me is just a way of trying to understand the world, like mythology which is the same thing really, and trying to make the world a better place and law obiding and to get us by, but as we know people always mess things up.

Now, at least in some religions, its more about choosing one that appeals to you, everyone needs hope and faith I think, my faith and hope lies in art, music and nature like paganism sort of but i think if I'm not going to label myself with words like 'rocker' or 'emo' or whatever and I chose not to have a religion then I don't really like thinking and saying that Im part of a religion either. I looked into paganism a while ago and thought 'why does it need to have a name, when I'm like that anyway'. I'm gonna try yoga or meditation because my mind is always racing around all over the place.

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