in law rant

27 replies since 13th November 2009 • Last reply 13th November 2009

OMG-ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhh *bangs head on wall* *pulls out hair* wailing and gnashing of teeth!

the in laws have been here since wednesday. if i hear my mother in law sing my sister in law's praises ONE MORE TIME..............

i need to rant and vent or a feel like i am going to explode!

never again my friends,
never again!

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remember this next year, if she loves her so much, she can do it next time

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thanks for letting me complain guys Happy it feels better just to write it down and get it off my chest!

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you are very welcome, because we all know we want to rant and rave at them, but we have manners, and we put up with it. But we really want to kick em in the arse

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it's ahrd, i love my brother in law and his family and i am so happy they are here but my mother in law and sister in law are just another story all together! the favoritism my mother in law shows my sister in law is UNBELIEVABLE!
oh did i mention that they let my dog out and didn't tell me. then they left the gate open and she ran away. she had to spend a night at the animal shelter and we had to pay to pick her up today.

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awwww poop puppy

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Wow, I must be lucky.. my in-laws are awesome.. I love them! Sorry you got the shitty end of the stick Heather :*( have you talked to your husband about this?

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yea he knows how i feel, but he is used to them acting like that, so even though he knows it isn't right he doesn't do anything about it because that is just how they are. they don't do anything malicious, they just don't have a lot of social etiquette and can be very rude without even trying to be

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tell him its never to late to learn, could of been one of the resons I broke up with my bf, he had no social graces at all. It drove me nuts

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ya, that's a tough one.. not much you can do about that then. Just let it slide..they have to leave sometime.. then you can throw a party haha. sorry, that must really suck..deep breaths..your husband will see how lucky he is that your putting up with this.. not a lot of us would..hang in there girl!!

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this makes me wonder how your wedding ever got accomplished. o.O

my (almost) mil flipped out today when she found out i was going for a test shoot with a photog (ive been modeling since 2001, and hes a pro, so she should have stayed out). theyre fun no matter what variety you find yourself with! xD

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oh rachie planning my wedding was easy! my husband is military and i knew after training he would have 2 weeks off so i planned the wedding for that time and in less then 6 weeks! i didn't have time to him and haw over details with my mother in law. and frankly i just told her no on a lot of things!

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hey! at least you didnt have to deal with her on that one!!!! :-D

when my bf and i get married, were having two weddings--one in michigan and one here in israel. im a little nervous as to how the mil will be when we start planning the israeli one...... O.o

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