Sad news, and unsure

Well, i have a very dear friend, who in her whole life has been healthy has a horse. i've known her since kindgeratin and don't remember her ever having a cold, or sick days. But yesterday she got dignosed with cancer, now it's not a bad one, they said they'll be able to fix it. Still sad, and she has really pretty hair she's going to lose. But what the big deal is, there scared that it will be one of those cancers that pop up again in a few years, and over and over again. She's really stressed, and won't listen to any of us. Im making her some cupcakes (an old inside joke that cupcakes make the world go round) but im not sure what else i can do, i wanted to make her something as she has to leave town for treatment and we wont see her for six weeks at a time. She's 18 by the way.

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23 replies since 26th August 2008 • Last reply 26th August 2008

make her something with a cupcake(plushie, jewlery, book ect) on it so where ever she is she can hold onto that gift of yours and know that she has a great friend standing by her side. I know its tough to go through something like that since my father had cancer when i was in my early teens and as well as my sister in law. Just think positive.

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I'm sorry to hear that Happy I think if you like what Sugar says, something she can take with her, even if it's small. A bookmark with something written on it, like "cupcakes make the world go round" Happy with a smily cupcake drawn on? Even just a card she put in her wallet, to look at and remember you when she maybe stressed.

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just reasure her that you will be there for her and see her through this like you have with other issues throughout the friendship
even if she doesnt want to hear it shes happy your saying it and when shes ready to except whats happening to her she will be happy you are their waiting with open arms
when her hair falls out you could cut yours short too. If it was me and my friend did that to show her support of what i was going through it would make me feel really loved then you guys could both save a peice and put pretty ribbons on them your hair and hers and make a scrap book of her treatment from beginning to end and when shes all better you can look back on it hospital braceletts pics of your new hairdos etc .
if the cancer ever comes back it would be easy to take the book out and say we got through this once we can do it agin

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hehe, love the ideas guys ^^ thanks, its hard to be creative when depressed...

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I'm sure you'll find a way to be there for her. If you really love someone, you can't hide it, and it'll be obvious to her.

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aaw I'm sorry for your friend jasmin, she'll pull through! Maybe you could craft something together to keep your minds off things and it will cheer her up because you'll both be talking while you craft. Everyone elses ideas are sooo good.

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Yeah, a small momento will be a great reminder to her that she has people thinking of her. I'd give you more ideas but everyone seems to have beat me to it. : )
The boommark and plushie idea are what I'd go for. Tell your friend I'll be thinking of her, poor thing : (

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I'm so sorry.

You guys could make a patchwork quilt together, each square a milestone in her treatment and recovery. You can make something serious into something funny with the pics you put on.

On a side note my friend Jason had a form on incureable cancer. He is fine now. So I wouldn't worry to much. (=

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She should drink hot tea. I work with a Chinese lady and she has all this teas she sells that she gets from China, and I had no clue what any of these teas where so I looked them up and made myself a little cheat sheet. So I will share a few of those teas with you. I will also send your friend healing thoughts <3 I like to mix the tea leaves ^^ the rose and chrysanthemum are kinda sweet so i just add them to my tea kinda like one would add a little sugar or milk ^__^ If you cannot find the tea I'd be happy to send you some just send me a message.

Dragon Pearl Tea is grown organically in the pure air adn soil or the Fujian Mountains, on the southeast cost of China. All the farming, harvesting and production is done completly by hand. This tea has a sweet flavor with a flowery jasmone aroma, the Dragon Pearl has a great taste and is healthey. When drank regularly, it is can lower chances of getting cancer and developing a heart disease.

Chrysanthemum Tea upon research by modern medical scientist it has been proven that chyrsanthrmum can help lower blood pressure, expand the coronary artery, prevent bacterial contamination and even remove cancer cells. Drinking the tea can even increase calcium in the human body if drank often enough for a long period of time. Not only does it increase calcium but reduces cholesterol, this is especially benificial to people in the middle to senior years.
It is also good for dry and iritable eyes or eyes after a long day of excessive use, not only will it help your eyes to feel better at the end of a long day but it will refresh you, help you to relax and relive a headache.

Rose Buds Tea can improve blood cirulation and also regulate woman's period, as well as improveing skin, also protects the liver and stomach. A cup of rose petal tea will give you more vitamic C then an orange, you would have to eat 150 oranges to get the same amount of vitamin C that's in one cup of rose petal tea.

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The thing with Chinese and Japanese culture is it's very much about inner peace and calmness, yoga could help as gentle exercise inbetween her chemo cuz obviously she probably won't feel like doing much but even mental yoga is fab, it all leads to inner strength Happy *sending good vibes*

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Hey, that tea idea might work, she's so into Japanesse and Chinese things (and a huge fan of mangas and anime) so i'll look, but as im in a SMALL town, im not sure if i'll find them, though i may want to get some for myself, they sound awesome...

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you can find similar things in health food shops, or maybe in the coffee aisle of a supermarket!

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Yeah, sometimes you can find them in health food stores. But, if you can't just give me a tell ^__^ Since I have them all at my shoppie hehe

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h geez. This is NOT TO SCARE YOU AT ALL, But the guy I was talking about in my other thread.. he had just gotten cancer to. Except he didn't die from the cancer [which is the Sick Irony]. He was completely cured of the cancer, and he died because of some damned infection! But... He had AMAZING hair, it was like his... his thing was his hair, and he lost it.. and it was sad, but he got over it. If she is a strong person, this will just make her even stronger. After brandon got the cancer, he became... not different, but better, and... Though its not fair AT ALL, its going to help with her life later on, and its going to help her in her development. All I can say is make sure she KNOWS, and I mean REALLY KNOWS that you are there and you are willing to be cried on, puked on, spat on, screamed at, anything to make her feel better, because thats what you have to be willing to give when you are good friends with someone. And I agree with Corrie [I think thats who "dork" is] as far as the scrapbook, and if it ever comes back the "we got through it once, we can do it again" part Happy

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