Tim Burton's Next Film

57 replies since 24th July 2008 • Last reply 24th July 2008

Johnny Depp is gonna be the mad hatter! Happy

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Ooooh! I can't wait for this to come out. I need to watch Sweeny Todd still. I have it on DVD, I just want to be able to relax and watch it without the kids running around and distracting me. (=

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I love Sweeney Todd - I listen to the soundtrack continuously! Corpse Bride is one of my favourite Tim Burton films, but haven't seen it for ages as I lent the dvd to someone and she hasn't given it back yet! I agree about the Batman film though, it was so boring! Can't wait for Alice - I reckon Helena should play the Queen of Hearts Happy

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Am I the only one that thinks Tim Burton is horribly over rated?

His movies have a certain unique flair ot them, but honestly, most of his original work I have found to be quite mediocre.

I thought The Nightmare Before Christmas was awful, and the Corpse Bride was kinda lame. There are a lot I haven't seen because I simply haven't bothered after seeing his other work.

I have enjoyed Edward Scissorhands and Sweeney Todd so far. As an actor, I didn't care much for anything but the more interesting direction he took Sweeney Todd in. I liked the darker tones throughout the movie that I hadn't seen onstage before. I thought the acting was a bit mediocre, and the Broadway soundtracks are a bit better, but it was still enjoyable. Edward Scissorhands is probably my favorite. It was all about the acting for me. Depp did a fantastic job with that character, and I haven't reacted quite the same to any character until Wall-E.

I don't know, maybe I'm just missing something that everyone else is seeing, but I fail to see the brilliance in most of his films.

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I don't like it when people re-make stuff but I do like the tones of his movies and the way they look. And I think Johnny Depp is a wonderful actoe so I will watch anything he's in.

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Personally I don't think he is over rated, I am sure there are more people out there who do think that.
By "original work" I don't know if you just mean films that he didn't remake, or films he also wrote?
I will go with the films he didn't remake Happy
I love more of his films, than I hate.
Beetle Juice, Edward Scissorhands, Big Fish and Mars Attacks are some of my all time favourite films.

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oooh Can't wait

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Yes, that is what I meant. I'm not a fan of his stuff that he wrote on his own, personally. They don't seem to have a sense of a beginning, middle, and end. Sometimes I'll feel like I'm just getting towards the middle of the movie, and there is some mini-boss battle looking thing, but no, thats the end. I found that I felt that MOST in Nightmare, and Corpse Bride, which happen to be one of his most popular. Not sure if thats just me or not.

Some of his co-written stuff is alright, but I think its probably because its co-written. Scissorhands was fantastic, because it felt a lot more human than his other films, and I have a feeling that its because it wasn't as much of his writing.

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ah yes Tongue
heard about this about a month or 2 ago..
i nearly died of excitement.

i'm a HUGE fan of his work. tnbc, edward scissorhands and vincent are my favourite movies from him. [well, vincent's a short movie but whatever.]

but yeah, i seriously cannot wait for more news on it.
i hope johnny depp is cast as the mad hatter, i just think he'd be perfect for the role.
and he is such an amazing actor. Tongue

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Johnny is the mad hatter and Helena is the Queen of Hearts Happy

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oooh FABULAAARRRSE! omg omg excited I love Helena!

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The music for the Nightmare Before Christmas was so much better than Corpse Bride.

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and Anne Hathaway is the white Queen( I think thats her name)

Oh yes the music in TNBC was much better, I felt like when I listened to the Corpse music, it was tunes he had left over from the first one, they were far too similar and not at all good enough.

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yeah, i agree with darling chelsea.
i also really liked the music on edward scissor hands, especially the ice dance song.
it's amazing, and so is the scene it plays in.

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I am almost sure if is all done by Danny Elfman Happy He has a great score history.

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