What is your car called?

Lots of people give their cars interesting names.

My Hyundai i10 is called Pika-pii, or just Pika for short, named after Pikachu. As expected, I have a massive pikachu sticker on my boot:

^That's the actual size of it xD

So what is your car called?

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14 replies since 20th January 2012 • Last reply 20th January 2012

My car is named Suzy. She's a metallic orange Pontiac G6 GT and she's gotten me everywhere I've ever needed to go.

Don't know why I chose the name... it just stuck.

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Toad-first big trip was pulled behind an RV to Yellowstone .She's a silver Ford Escape Hybrid

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Emily. She's a 2003 Eclipse GT in cream. I love her to death even though she's a gas guzzler and pollutes Mother Earth. =/

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Trailblazer named Blaza!

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My car's called Taylor (a girl naturally) <3

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Mine's Tashymobile because my nicknames Tashy. Pretty boring...

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mine is called ollie (boy) and used to have loads of stickers on it until f**king c*nts at uni graffitied all over it it was lovely now its plain and boring

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Mine is a 1991 Ford Crown Vic named Gertude. She is a super stable solid car. I luffers her.

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My mum caslled our car (a red mini 35) Rosie, because of her colour.
Sometimes I find her talking to it aswell :s

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Mine changes between The Ruthmobile (based on my name IRL) and The Eeyoremobile (because she has an Eeyore ariel topper).

She's a silver KA and I luff her Happy

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Sadly I dont have my own car, but My boyfriends truck is named Nadine. I Love it!

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My car is a 98 Chevy Geo-Prizm that was manufactured in the same plant as the Toyota Corolla. I call it a transformer... it's a Toyota in disguise >_>

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Old betsy or the clunker, its always been a piece of crap and breaks down on me alot but I try to show it some love by calling it old betsy sometimes haha

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Lol, Gabby... take Josh's car!

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