Are you a messy crafter?

When you craft are you organized or do supplies go everywhere?

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35 replies since 9th February 2011 • Last reply 9th February 2011

Wow that's a question.I always know where everything is but it can be a mystery to others.
I keep boxes of fibre,thread and fabric separate.
It looks like chaos but generally that helps with the creativity.

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i have stuff everywhere! it's really starting to bug me as i collect more materials too. it's hard to organize it all in such a small living space. i have found a couple great ideas on this site though!

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My supplies go everywhere while I'm making something. I store most of my craft supplies in an area next to my bed while I'm not.
But I don't mind. Happy

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Umm my sewing table is tidy... other than that I'm a choatic organiser. I put stuff together that I want to use together - project filing ^^

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I try hard to keep supplies organized though they always overflow the bins they're in. But when I'm working....let's just say that in my youth my mom said I started every project with the ritual sprinkling of the pins (on the floor)! And when I cook, don't look at the floor...

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I had a system, but then I got more stuff. My desk is small and is better for displaying art than using to make art so now I craft on the floor. Everything's a mess. I need more shelves and bins and desks and maybe an extra room. Tongue

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i am clean and organized pre crafting.. afterwords, everything is everywhere and it takes me forever to get everything back in their places.

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I'm usually organized chaos and all over the all works out in the end!

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oh the mess, I try to organize, never works

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No, I like to tidy up my work table when I finished, the problems is the place where I keep the mats.

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C'mon! Is there actually a neat crafter?

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I agree with Jeanniece, creativity knows no bounds! A neat crafter shows little imagination and is afraid what will happen if things get messed up. Better to create something beautiful in a feild of chaos than wallow in a wall of white.
My scrapbooking desk = mayhem.

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Crafting and Mess are 2 words that can hardly be separated. If I paint something and I don't have paint stains on my hands, something's wrong. I'm trying to organize stuff but if I'm working on something supplies stand everywere!

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In my world, "organized" isn't defined by neatness... There is an order to everything, but I seem to be the only one who sees it!

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