
28 replies since 7th December 2010 • Last reply 7th December 2010

Ontario! Happy

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I'm back from Japan, so now it's Toronto, Ontario!

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I'm from Vancouver... I wish there were more people from around here because then we could DIY TOGETHER!

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New Brunswick here Happy Lovin the Maratimes.

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@ Becci L. I know exactly how you feel! I wished there were more people here where I lived to DIY with! I find not many people want to be creative around here!

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I'm From Saskatchewan! Canada is where it's at!

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Kelowna, BC

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Happy Canada Day!

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Yeah! Happy Canada's Day everyone! Happy

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Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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Winnipeg, MB or the center of north america

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i'm from in Cornwall..

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edmonton... woooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooo

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Burlington ON, aww yiss.

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