Creative ideas needed/what should I sell?

In December I'm going to a craft fair that will last for 4 days.It opens in the morning and lasts until 9.So that's a really long time and I need to make more stuff to sell,because I nedd to travel to another city for that fair and stay at a friends house so I want it to be worth going to.

So far I am making:
-necklaces with felt pendants
-felt pouches
-crochet pouches (a hole bunch)
-crochet bracelets with wooden decoration
-wire crochet bracelets
-polymer clay earrings (still not sure if I should make these)

I'm very happy that I got an early start on making things I already have a box full,but I need some creative ideas on what to sell!
Links or pictures or just ideas would be great! Happy
Also I don't have much money (that's why I'm going) so I really can't buy any new stuff.But I have many craft things at home.
But any idea would help on what else I could make to sell.

Thank you! Happy

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19 replies since 14th October 2010 • Last reply 14th October 2010

I wish I could help, but I'm not to the "selling in-person" stage yet.

I do suggest making many items that don't take you a long time and that you are familiar with--for example, in this instance, it would be Jeanette making her scrabble tile pendants, and I'd be making fimo charms. What is something that you are familiar with and fairly quick at making, but that still look high-quality when you're finished? determining this can help you get a lot of product out in a relatively short period of time.

If I were you, I would also make some things that require more attention/effort/time, so you have a nice variety.

I don't really have experience with this sort of thing, though--these are just thoughts that came across my mind. Happy

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Thanks Rachie!I already made the things I make fast and can variate-the crochet bracelets and pouches. But I can do any craft and get in to it fast.
I was just thinking,maybe I could crochet some coffee cup cozies?But I would have to take a cup with me,so people recognize what it is. Happy I'm not sure...

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I'm a craft fair veteran, I've had craft fair stalls for about 15 years, so here's my thoughts:

Make a wide variety of things, with loads of small things that people will buy on impulse, and also have a few fairly expensive things..a wide variety of prices too.

Know what kind of customer to expect and tailor your items to suit...will they be young/ teenagers, mothers, grandparents etc.
try to have some things suitable for every group.

My biggest selling items are always bracelets, and also rings which are best if the size is adjustable..try some elasticated rings.

Pouches are great, promote them also as "gift pouches" suitable for putting small presents in. Decorate the pouches with stars, snowflakes etc

Have an attractive display, and take some spotlights if possible. Tables with good lighting always attract most customers.

For some strange reason, the majority of people tend to shy away from the more way-out avant-gard type of thing, and go for the more traditional (I would say boring) items..this may mean making things you don;t particularly like yourself, but that's what you have to do to get sales sometimes.

With it being near christmas, make up some little packs of gift tags or small cards...easy and cheap to make and people will buy them

Hope this is some help!

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Thank you Nora for all the great advice! Happy
I just went and found some really pretty yarn for the pouches.Really bright colors that attract the eye. Happy

I won't be making rings,because my friend with who Im sharing the table has a big variety of rings,so we agreed I get bracelets-she gets the rings. Happy

Also,I just came up with the idea of making animal silhouette earrings from shrink plastic.Its cute and simple so people will like it and nobody (not even the crafters) know about shrink plastic here,so it will be something new and I think they will like it.

Last year I made plenty of Christmas themed things and people didn't buy them.I think because they could only use them at winter-Christmas.People here really go for the functional things.
That's why I'm focusing on the pouches.

Also I taught I will make some small fabric key chains,I didn't see those on fairs here.

I can't rely on the age range because there are grandmothers-who buy for their family,but there are kids too so I will try to make something for everyone.Mostly there are teenagers and families on these fairs.

I have never been to this city's craft fair so it will be my first there.I know what people buy here in Temerin,but my friend told me in that city people buy and spend more.

For the display I will make an earring hanger from a picture frame,and for the bracelets I will make some kind of display from paper towel rolls covered with fabric. But I still need to come up with an idea for my scarves and bags. I don't know how to display them...and I need to find a pretty fabric to cover up my table too.

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I was thinking keyrings=) They are small, quick to make and the sort of thing that people impulse buy. Also that scissors case that you made me for the Halloween swap, you could do variations of those.

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Yeh, phone charms and keyrings and magnets Happy Little sweet things that people will just pick up and want! Hope it goes well Happy

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Yeh, phone charms and keyrings and magnets Happy Little sweet things that people will just pick up and want! Hope it goes well Happy

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Thanks girls! I just bought an awesome (and huge) blue bamboo tablecloththing that will look great with a plain white fabric on my table. Happy
Now I only need to figure out how to display the bags and scarves...

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Plushies, if someone brought their kids or siblings or something those kids would love them Happy
Anyways, for the displaying the bags and scarves how about displaying them like in colour order so they look organized, maybe? I haven't actually sold any of my crafts so... I don't know.

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Pot holders
Clay Beads(some people would buy the beads all by themselves so they can make their own necklaces and bracelets)
Christmas Ornaments

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Never have a flat table! If you bring your items to sell in large boxes, take your items out then put the empty boxes on the table first, then cover with yout table cloth. Try to get height at the back, then maybe stepped down towards the front, if you know what I mean.
I find people buy most when they can lift and handle the items, but watch out for shoplifters, and keep your most expensive items near the back, up on top of your box platform.
little girls always go for pink things, and love little pink bracelets, they prefer bracelets to necklaces, as they can put on the bracelet and look at it all the if there's going to be a lot of children, make pink glittery or fuzzy bracelets.
How about some headbands with large bows?

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if you have any leftover fimo/polymer clay(i believe?) you could make little fimo things. You know, the cute useless stuff.

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Ooo that's some great advice Nora!I will take some boxes with me and cover them with pretty fabric.Last time people didn't even look at the bags that I had in the back of my table...Now I know why... Happy

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Make something large and amazing that you can put at the opening of your booth so that it draws people in. It might not be something you even expect to sell, but it should be colorful and large. This is what I thought right away since a lot of your items are smallish. Maybe a banner with your business name? If you just have one table the banner can hang in front of the table.
I agree with the person that suggested elevation on your table - never have a flat display. If you can find interesting display items for your jewelry pieces- maybe hang necklaces from tree branches painted white and anchored in a decorative pot. If you decide to make bracelets for little girls you could display them by hanging them from a doll's outstretched arms. If the town you are going to is well known for something- try making some items that tie in with that. For instance, my town is a college town so I might do some items with the university logo or colors. Also we are known locally for a park that has black squirrels (they were imported from Austria- local squirrels are all grey)so I would make some items with the black squirrel on it. Good Luck!

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