New Years Resolutions for 2010

27 replies since 29th December 2009 • Last reply 29th December 2009

Get in classes for something. I want to belly dance more. Make a corset and corset train. So basically I want a better mind and body. lol

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Work in Series !

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Great resolutions! I rarely stick to mine, I'm sure a couple of years ago I said I'd be nicer to my sister but I don't think it really worked out! THis year I'm going to try and waste less time watching TV and do something constructive! And Exercise as well!

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Urghh! I know I won't stick to these for long but I can always try.
1) Be more helpful and keep my butt off of the sofa.
2) Eat less rubbish.
3) Try even harder at school.
4) Write my diary everyday without fail.
5) Make use of my new sewing box and make more.
Only 3 more hours to go...

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i hate resolutions lol. but im attempting to...
1. get a portfolio together finally. lol
2. bulk up my inventory so i can start selling my line of accessories "CHELSEA MADE"
3. MAYBE, pick a college major and stick to it...but thats rather doubtful...

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I want to make a few things to sell on etsy. Not sure what they will be but I want to think of something new to do and a reason to do it.

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Let's see...
- Use my Sport After School- membership at least once a week (except when it's thát week^^)
- Read more French books and watch more French movies, find a French-speaking pen pal
- Don't be more than thrice a week on the pc
- Draw, write or read at least four times a week
- Play the guitar every day and practice very concentrated
- Learn to sew
- Be a better friend
- Don't eat meat on Mondays and go green
- Do all the things I marked on my 101 things in 1001 days list

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making a list is a good idea

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I have a couple things too!

-make some new friends.
-help around the house a little more.
-and to keep my computer desk neat!

haha, these are probably the only resolutions I'll follow through with! Happy

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Mine are pretty simple, and I'm totally okay if I don't get them all done.

1. Become a decent or pro c-walker (I'm pretty good so far Happy)
2. Lose 10 pounds (I gained TOO MUCH weight over the holidays :O)
3. Grow my hair out (To get the hairstyle I've always wanted but never had!)
4. Keep my room clean (It's so a tornado happened INDOORS :\)

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In 2010, I would like to:

1) Overcome my anxiety attacks
2) Stop letting my fears hold me back (being alone, fear of anxiety attacks, etc.)
3) Start making MYSELF happy and not just other people
4) Really start working on taking my spiritual journey
5) Try to keep 3 journals. 1 for spiritual progress, 1 for recording dreams and one for the daily grind
6) Try things outside of my comfort zone!
7) Learn to sew clothes!!
8) Exercise!!!! RAWR!
9) Learn to live in the moment, rather than the future
10) Find my inner child, and live my life to the fullest!!

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Mine is to make a list of resolutions.

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My new years resolution is to start a blog about crafting. Original I know. LOL But, it has always been something I was too chicken to do before.

I got it started up but, I am not quite ready for the public yet. I want to get a few projects up first. But, I have a name! Let me know what you think.... Mama Crafts Because I Cry. Its a take on Mama Drinks because I cry. LOL

Good luck everyone with yours! I hope everyone has an awesome year!!!

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