Anybody else hate spending Christmas whit his own family?

39 replies since 21st December 2009 • Last reply 21st December 2009

Može moje mišljenje na hrvatskom?
nego.. kao prvo objasni svojim roditeljima da gubiš vezu s njima.
Zato jer si odrasla i osamostalila si se, oni smatraju da ti više nije potrebno ono što si imala kao dijete..djed mraz, ukrasi...bla..bla..
Oni su ti roditelji, vole te, i time bi te trebali poslušati.
Pokušaj sljedeće godine (ili čak i ove, ako stigneš) s nekim iznenađenjem.
Ispeci im kolače i pokaži da želiš slaviti Božić s njima, uz puno ljubavi, jer ipak život je kratak i treba ga iskorisitit maksimalno.

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Hvala ti,ali sam ja već sve to isprobala pre dve godine i prošle godine isto.Ništa od toga.Kolače naravno pečem i ove godine,kao i uvek pa pola nosim kod supruga,pola ostavljam kući. Happy Nismo mi sa roditeljima u lošoj vezi,slažemo se inače,ali kad je reč o Božiću... pihh... A više ni neću da riskiram ostati kući pa celo vreme gledati kad će izbiti svađa,lepše mi je kod suprugovih roditelja gde je atmosfera topla i ugodna bez ikakve svađe.nadam se da me razumeš,valjda nisam previše srpskih reči ubacila.Lepo od tebe da si pisala i slažem se : Život je prekratak i treba je iskoristiti.

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ma sve kul. ;)
Razumijem te..
Možda tvoji jednostavno ne vole Božić. :/
Ali ako te veseli odlazak kod supruga, odi i provedi se lijepo. (:
~nadam se da ćete riješiti probleme~

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The fighting and arguing has started,its time for me to escape from the battlefield!

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Yeah I always thought I was wierd not wanting to spend christmas with my family because in society CHristmas is suppose to be time with your family like in all the adverts on TV but I realised no one has a perfect family like that.
My partner doesn't like his parents either so we're gonna spend it with his sister and her kids really looking forward to it!

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I always found it hard cuz I hated Christmas and you can't escape it!IT's everywhere shops, tv , radio , internet just got me down thinking about other people having a great time and me wishing I had different parents.

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I love spending christmas with my family! my brother can be annoying though. But to be fair hes annoying everyday of the year.

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I used to think that Christmas with my family was annoying when I was a teenager, but then I realized after my grandma and aunt died that you only get one family for yourself. If you don't spend time with them, you could be missing out on something important.

This will be my first year that I'll be away from home for Christmas--the first year that I don't get to see my mom, dad, and brothers smiling in person. Of course we're all mailing gifts back and forth this year, but it isn't the same as enjoying the holidays with the family that loves you, even if it's only deep-down. I'll be spending this Christmas with my fiance's mom, which it will be nice to celebrate Christmas with her, but it isn't going to be the same as seeing my own family.

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well said Monika Happy

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I'm the complete Black Sheep of my entire Extended family i usually dont enjoy family gatherings... and they have a lot of them.
I still live with my parents (cuz i cant afford to live on my own), and spend most of my time making crafts in my room alone, just to escape talking to them. :/ sad, but true.
So most of my life i've DREADED christmas. I'm kinda 'alternative' with tattoos/piercings and vegetarian (complete opposite of my strict christian/hunting dads side family), so no one wants to really in-depth talk to me. And they never know what to get me. I also HATE being fake in front of people; and i have to dress and act different with my dads side. I've cried (and more) a lot on christmas, just like the other people above.
But i've gotten used to it over the years. And its bearable now. I found that making and giving people (i dont like) gifts, makes me feel better. lol oddly enough.

I cant wait for the year i have a partner and i dont have to fool with that crap anymore ...or at least i can drag him with me. lol You girls are lucky. I'm actually looking forward to this christmas tho. Gifts!

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I hate spending christmas with my family if my sister is arround. Because 90% of the time she is angry, upset, bossy and I'm mostly the target then. Like a few years back she said it would be better if I killed myself. And the last time during dinner in a reastaurant she constantly said: 'This is a murder knife. I'm going to kill those kids'

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That doesn't sound fun I have a bossy controlling sister too but I think it's just for my parents cuz she's not so bad when there not there.

A tip for people struggling at Christmas:
read, make things, phone a friend, take a walk in the woods, look at the stars, lose yourself in the net, stroke a pet, meditate, etc..

All these things will help you to remember that it's just one day, it'll pass and it's NOT you...

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I look forward to xmas gift-giving (and hoping I get something I like from my fiancé, which I will this year because I was with him when he got it Tongue ), but not the stress and arguements I know will happen, like every year past. someone tries to get all the food perfect, which isnt possible with the amount of different dishes that for some reason HAVE to be cooked (are 8 different vegetables really needed for 4 people?) not to mention the amount of cooked food is enough to last a few days. I just know my father will get cross because something will go wrong, something will be my fault, my father will get cross with my grandad (his father) because he is sorta deaf and clumsy in his old age.

This year and last year my fiancé has come to my family's xmas, its very different from his because his entire family (over 20 people) get together and his gran cooks (with some help) and she will even cook a specific dish for one person if they are a fussy eater so everyone can enjoy food and not have to go hungry or eat what they don't want. one xmas I will get to experience that, and I really want to but since my grandma died about 3 years ago now my grandad has been really depressed so both me and my fiancé feel guilted into going to see him because it makes him happy.

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I can admit I am a bossy sister to my little brother. My new years revolution is to try to get along with him and to keep my room clean!

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since my dad died 4 years ago, me and my family haven't really enjoyed christmas. We end up being distant or arguing every christmas since. I try and avoid it now by working over the whole of christmas, yes its not ideal but i just cant sit round looking at that empty seat or the christmas traditions that my dad did every year.

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