Fostering felines!

I had a brilliant idea last night..just had to share my excitement
theres a local (no-kill)cat shelter that needs volunteers to foster cats who are:
- Pregnant Mothers Cats waiting to give birth
- Mothers and Kittens Mother cats may have anywhere
from 1 to 8 kittens in a litter
- Orphaned, bottle-fed Kittens These kittens require round
the clock care for the first 3 weeks of their life
- Orphaned Kittens These kittens are generally 5 weeks or
older and are eating independently.
- Sick, injured or require some type of medical support
These cats may need short or long term care. They may
need to recover from surgery or they may suffer from a
chronic illness or disease such as diabetes.
- Special Needs Some examples are cats who need a
special diet or do not thrive in a shelter environment.
- Senior Citizens Some seniors need the comfort and
care of a foster home.

Anyways, we got lots of extra room in our house for it and im a stay at home mom, so im here a lot of the time.
Only thing I was worried about was my husband saying no, he usually does when I get really excited about something..
BUT HE SAID YES HappyHappyHappy
So now I just gotta fill out an application and wait.. hopefully not long Tongue
thanks for letting me rant, in a happy way Happy

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22 replies since 19th November 2009 • Last reply 19th November 2009

That's really nice. We got our cat Fiona from a no kill shelter. She was living with a foster family. She is one of the best cats ever. She is very socialized with other animals and kids from being with her foster family. (=

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my friend in England is currently fostering 3 wks old kittens and is having a wonderful if tiring time !

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that's super! we already have a zoo over here so foster was never an option for me but i used to volunteer a lot of the local shelter. my cousin fosters dogs- she loves it- very rewardingHappy

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it is rewarding

good for you

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Oh I know it will be rewarding, if I can make a difference in atleast one kitties life then nothing would make me happier. We wanted a cat for the family as kind of a christmas present this year..and our rule was that it had to be a cat in need, ie, a cat that has not been adopeted from a shelter in a long time. Then I started thinking.. were planning to list the house for sale in the spring, and move 7 hours away.. and bringing a cat might be traumatizing for it. But we have about 6 months until then and have lots of room and love to give. works perfect for us.
I just cant believe what some people do these poor things.. abandoned and neglected..we domesticated them so its our job to keep them safe and fed.

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Happy I am sure the kitty will love it

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I have two cats from a shelter and another which is a stray..all very sweet! Happy Well done for getting cats from a no kill shelter! Happy <3

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I had to share this.. so funny, and nasty Tongue

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thats crazy ^ lol but hey its a cheap toy! people are mean to cats! in my neighbor hood theres a bunch of strays they have babies in alleys and all the kids will go mess with them with sticks and rocks... some peoples kids!

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I would go chase them away, Drea call a shelter right away, or the police, the parents might not care but animal crulety is a crime, no matter what age. So please call animal controll or a shelter to give those kittens a chance

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I hate when people abuse animals. I hate it more than people abusing people, cause there's no way the animal could have done anything to deserve that.

Well done you for fostering =) it'll be a lot of work but someone needs to do it!

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I was just about to say the same thing as michelle.
the shelter depends on people like you to let them know where their needed. It breaks my heart Happy I was a kid once, and I never thought hurting animals was funny.. what is wrong with kids today! they say that kids who abuse, torture and kill animals are likeley to grow up doing the same to people.Those kids need help.

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i should huh... next time i see it i will its sad there all new borns.

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are they still there? call now. Please. Give those cats a chance of a better life

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