Why are you smiling today (or any day)?

157 replies since 17th January 2009 • Last reply 17th January 2009

aw Happy Birthday Roma Happy That looks like a very fancy tea party Happy

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cool lol

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Happy Birthday!!!

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oh my gosh, Happy Birthday Roma!!!

Aaaaah, I WANT your tea party! The only problem is I don't have much of a sweet tooth so I probably wouldn't eat half the food! but it's so pretty.......

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Today I'm smiling coz it's my first day back at school and today I started year 11(second last year of school) and I'm all organised and I'm happy with all my classes. It's a fresh start for me, I hated school last year but this year I'm turning over a new leaf. Aack! I'm so happy! Happy Happy Happy

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Roma you're so classy! Happy Birthday.

I'm smiling because I had an ace time my step mums birthday do on saturday! And there's a blizzard outside and I'm all snug inside.

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i am happy that the hubby bought me my laptop, camera and my WEDDING RING!! wooot!!!

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lucky you sug! When do you plan the wedding??? Happy

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we are already married, I never got my wedding so I am hoping before he leaves for iraq in August we can do a renew vows ceremony.
He got me my ring since my orignal wedding ring broke last summer. Not sure if some of you remember how devitstated I was about it I wrote it in a rant...but anywho back to getting girls ready for school bus.

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well, I hope you do get to do your vows again, sounds lovely!

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I know I'm a bit late, but happy birthday Roma! Hope you had a great day.

I'm smiling because I've had 2 days off college this week because of the snow, I start at 11 tomorrow, finish at 1 on Thursday, and have an inset day on Friday. So I've only got one day of college this week Happy

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grrrrr, I'm sooo jealous of you Izzy! I want snow!

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shivi i see you finally got a profile pic, its so cute!! Happy

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Im smiling cause i joined cut out and keep Happy !!

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I'm smiling today beacause I feel [I]free[I]!!!!!

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