Nice things about today

324 replies since 10th January 2009 • Last reply 10th January 2009

new books! the Exorcist and the Funhouse

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congrats queen, those some cute booties

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I brushed, washed and dried a labrador today. The worrying thing is that the hair really makes me itchy and sneezy, it makes another girl the same though so I guess we'll get used to it.

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congrats queen,

It was a nice warm day today, I went over to see a friend, then picked up my boyfriend a muffin and coffee

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i'm staying home from school today
i dont care if im sick im not at school

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I took the last two days off Courtney, think I'll probably take off tomorrow too. I love just spending time with Tim and SLEEPING

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I went to the China Ranch today with some friends. Its an oaisis in the desert. It was very nice.

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i slept and watched tv today
ah it was wonderful

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I am enjoying chocolate and cola

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my boyfriend made me gluten-free pizza from scratch and just the way I like it! Supreme and stuffed crust. Pizza always makes me happy.

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there was a lovely sunrise today

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My sisters new hamster, Spock, was watching CSI: Miami.
It made me smile Happy

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The weather is nice enough to wear flip flops!

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