fabric fossil

for college I designed a top where the neckline/collar is a ammonite! the problem is I have no idea how to make it 3D like my design... I've only thought of wire, stuffing or just spray starch. any ideas would be great! thanks!!

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4 replies since 4th November 2013 • Last reply 4th November 2013

A picture of what you have so far would sure help.


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You Could use Shellac... get it SHELLac... haha..... sorry pardon my horrible joke. Anyways shellac is a non-toxic plastic spray that I love to use. what you could do is stuff the fossil with something that will give it its shape and support. then spray on the shellac, and then take out the stuff. The shellac will even give it a shiny finish. Also the shellac won't make it rock hard. But it will make it keep it shape.

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You could imbroid it, with some fabric beneath.

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What about craft foam? You can get it in a block thicker than what you need and then carve it from all sides until it fits, then sew the fabric around it. It'll give it shape, but still be flexible enough to wear comfortably.

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