Hand Sew Hems on Jeans??

My friend wants to take up a pair of jeans, however she has no sewing machine.

1) Is it possible to do it without a machine.
2) If it is, does anyone have a guide on how to do it?

Thanks awesome CO+K people Happy

And scuse my ignorance

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6 replies since 8th January 2010 • Last reply 8th January 2010

Why doesn't she use that iron-on hemming stuff? Wundaweb I think it's called.

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of course it´s possible to do it by hand! with herringbone stitch, for example. found a picture here: http://www.embroiderersguild.com/stitch/stitches/herringbone.html you have to do it from the inside, between the two layers of jeans and place the smaller stitches (in the picture CB and ED) alternatively between the two layers. grab only some threads of the jenas with the needle, otherwise you would see it on the right side! hope you can understand what i mean Happy

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Yay! I've been wanting to do that too!

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LOL I'm doing this tonight do we need a how too ???

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oh I have done hand sewing hems, but I find machine much easier

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Hey thanks for the advice, I'm off to Hatfield tonight so I shall show her the posts. I had no idea about doing it by hand or not because I'm still a newbie at this kind of stuff, I've been on CO+K for ages but haven't had the opportunity to make anything except for a no-sew tutu... I'm glad I helped other people too.

Thanks everyone!!

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