Another Type of Eco Rant
Okay, I am not saying this to make people mad so please no angry posts. But does it seem that this whole "green and eco-friendly" thing is another fad? I am definitely for protecting the environment by recycling, reusing and being vegetarian, but it seems like large companies are just using it as another marketing tool. And I am tired of seeing the same people that wear the words "Green is the New Black" and "Recycle" on their shirts using grocery store bags for a Coke and a pack of gum, then throwing their trash out the window of their 8mpg Hummer. My complaint is NOT against the fact that more people are trying to be aware and responsible, but it is with the people that just see it as something cool to wear, but not to live out. And it is with the industry taking something good and turning it into something to make money. Does anyone else see this?
I agree 100%
you know it does, I have always been into helpoing the enviroment, blut now it has exploded and people are only doing it to keep up with the Jones. You know? They don't compost, or craft things, grow their own vegs, shop at thrift stores
its just like you said
yeah ive always tried to be conscious of what i use and eat, but im not one to really broadcast it. unless youre a true activist, (which is AWESOME if you are haha) i really dont see the point in wearing a "go green" shirt or anything. frustrating
I find fashion in general a really weird thing and never cease to be amazed at how little thought people put into the slogans they are wearing. People will walk around in t-shirts with these great slogans about doing your bit for the planet but have no interest at all in doing anything of the sort. They'll probably chuck the t-shirt out when it goes out of fashion. Unfortunately I don't know that theres much that can be done about these odd little fads that come and go. Companies definitely hook into them and try and use them to market their stuff but I don't mind that so much if it means there is more choice out there and the companies have genuinely gone greener. I still tend to stick with Ecover stuff though as I know the name and trust them to be the genuine article.
In spite of this little moan I would say that however thoughtless some of the fashion trends are how little of it seems to be genuine concern for the planet I think it does gently filter through into politics and peoples consciousness which can't be bad. I've always voted Green, not because I think we're going to get ourselves a Green Prime Minister but because I think it lets the politicians know that there is that public concern. Unfortunately I don't notice it so much in the countries politics but you do see little differences at a local level.
yeah i know what you mean
I support the NDP party in Canada, during elections they partner with the Green party
I've thought about that too. But if a chain store wants to carry organic cotton t-shirts with organic printing, then I'm not going to complain! In fact, I hope this "fad" sticks around. I believe it's opening people's eyes to how easy it is to "go green." Even if a company is simply "green washed," anything that keeps being green out in the open and in people's faces is a step in the right direction.
I've seen actual changes because of this. I see a lot of mothers going for cloth diapers and finding alternative cleaning products because they don't want harsh chemicals around their children. I have friends who are altering their beauty routines because this fad has brought to light all of the harsh chemicals in beauty products.
I've also seen changes in politics. Oakland, CA has outlawed plastic bags in grocery stores. Seattle is going in that direction and they already have an extensive and required recycling program as their garbage service. Jacksonville, Florida has an art market that also banned plastic bags from the vendors, and the city has a great recycling program.
As more people become even marginally aware of green practices, they start to buy greener, and the demand for green products grows. I really don't see companies returning to less-green ways. I see more and more people becoming aware of this and demanding more green products and demanding changes in the places they live as well. This is one fad that I applaud.
I think people view being "green" as an easy identity. They get to label themselves something, even though they don't give a decomposable poo.
I hope the real deal companies stay though.
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