New Moon Library Party Ideas
Okay, so my mom works at a library and she's in charge of a party to celebrate the release of the New Moon movie. It's going to be the day before the movie release I think. Anyway, she was asking me about ideas and we have a few, but it still needs more so I thought asking you guys would be smart.
Like as far as decorating, food, what to do, ect.
Any ideas? Feel free to throw anything out, no matter how crazy.
Thanks in advance. (:
Well I was trying to come up with something, and I stumbled onto some really useful websites!! They have great ideas, and although some of them are a bit geared towards Halloween, they could easily be altered into something more vamp/wolf specific. So check these out and see what you like! ^.^
Assuming there will be a good amount of girls there, you could also have a big table for decorating your own tees or something to wear to the premier. You could have everyone bring a cheap plain t-shirt and set up a table with paints, glitter, pom poms, whatever fun decorative thing you can think of - and have people make their own New Moon related shirts/ accessories or whatever they want! That could be fun. ^.^
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