what are you working on?

187 replies since 14th December 2008 • Last reply 14th December 2008

I've been seamripping all my clothes that fit me but I don't like anymore, and I'm altering the patterns to make them something better Happy

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I'm working on this sheer, Renaissance inspired shift to wear under my bustiers, bodices, and vests. I've been making "back-to-school" clothes for the past month now, and I still want to make at least two new bustiers, another shift, and some skirts (one a lolita skirt), I hope. Along with some accessories like jewerly and a purse. :]

But I only have about a week left. DX This calls for multi-tasking. ><

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I want to make a chibi from Inuyasha of polymer clay n.n

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I'm setting up my etsy shop which is a bit of a challenge but will be worth it in the end.Just made another altered book-I love these ! Enjoy Kiddo
Pins are being produced at a great rate.

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well i probably should be working on promoting my etsy shop but i've kinda let that fall to the side lately. i am making EVERY christmas gift this year so even though i've already made 3 scarves and 3 hats i still have a lot more to make. plus my best friend i having a baby in a few weeks so i am making some amigurumi that match her nursery theme.

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A keychain for my little brother. he's a complete game-addict so I already made a pacman and a tetrisshape out of fimo. Want to make to more pieces and then well make a keychain of it.

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I'm making a cameo necklace. If I'm able to go to the craft shop to pick up some eye pins, I can finish today.

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I'm working on some applique holiday dish towels to give my mom for Christmas.
A set of 5. Christmas, Easter, 4th of July, Hallowe'en and Thanksgiving!
[First attempt at applique. Under the supervision of my future mother-in-law] (:

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Aaaww that sounds cute... xx

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Tomorrow I'm going to try and revamp and old torn pair of jeans, punkify them up abit!!!

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I'm working on an applique DS case as part of the newbie swap, black foam spiderweb coasters and a super awesome halloween mask wreath - I've gotten so many ideas from the Halloween craft books at the library! I can't stop!!!! ^.^

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Working on a "We are Heroes " of Americas Best Dance Crew "Metal" superwoman corset and acessories

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A huge quilt made of punk and metal t-shirts Happy

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sock monkeys- as a plush maker i found it very odd that i had never made a sock monkey- so i bought some cool socks at the dollar store and i am having a lot of fun. some will be monkeys but i also have patterns for a zebra, cat, and elephant that i want to try!

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I want to make something with resin, but its sooooo hard to find that stuff in Holland!!!

Anyway a new bracelet and earrings ^^

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