Pointy cupcakes?!

Ok, so I love baking cupcakes and attempting to decorate them.
However I have just taken my batch out the oven and as usual they are like pointy and not dome like on the top...
Can any one help?

Lisa x

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5 replies since 8th December 2011 • Last reply 8th December 2011

There's a lot of ideas as to why that happens if you Google "pointy cupcakes" (not in quotes). Some things I saw were if you're in high altitude, overmixing the batter, oven temperature being off. There were some more ideas, but those seemed to be the most common.

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Thank you!
I think ill be turning the heat down with my next batch Happy

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If you want your cupcakes to be flat then all your ingredients should be room temperature when you mix them together, that's your eggs and milk as well.

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since youb already have pointy cakes desorate them as xmas trees

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Im gunna have another attempt at cupcakes this afternoon Happy
Eggs and milk are out already...since my house is cold anyways thought id give them a bit longer.
If they turn out pointy again I will make them into xmas trees! Thanks dizzydisaster!!

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