Learn how-to make a furniture or wall applique in #ShopShowcase with Strumento in Indianapolis.
How did you get started?
Our neighborhood art supplier moved out of town. That made me start thinking about what my own dream store would be like. At first, to raise capital, I tried starting an online store. But to no avail. I needed a storefront. When I told my friend about the project he offered a space in his gallery. Strumento was up and running in a 10x10 upstairs room. It has since been moved downstairs to stretch it's wings. And since my friend wanted to retire, I bought the gallery. So Strumento and Art Bank can grow and continue serving artists downtown.
Where are you located?
Strumento is located inside Art Bank Gallery at 811 Massachusetts Ave. Downtown Indianapolis.
Which products do you specialise in?
We've built our selection mainly upon requests of artists. A lot of professional artists live in our area. When they shop they usually know just what they need. We offer to order items for them and then keep the items on hand if it's something they use regularly. Because Strumento was started to fill my own requests, we have more items for painters than for other kinds of artists.
We also have used tools and materials and accept items to sell on consignment.
Do you have a particular favorite product that you sell?
No. I love art materials. I want to play with all of them.
What's on the stereo?
Depends on who's in. Lots of Jazz and Blues.
Where else should we visit in your area?
There are lots of cool shops and restaurants along the avenue. You can grab a map to see which direction you want to head first.
Do you host any workshops, classes or special events?
Art Bank does host public and private events and classes. Coming up is a floral arranging class and cartooning class.
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
Thank you for choosing us for a Cut Out and Keep! You help us keep growing.
Do you have a favorite craft, art or supply shop in your town that we should feature? Send us a message!