
Come behind the scenes at Small World Land for a #CraftRoomTour and see Corinne's corner studio in her living room in Chicago.

My space is tiny and limited, but I am so grateful to have carved out a little corner in my home so I can work and make things. After attempting to create in my dark basement, I am grateful for the sunlight and life around me working upstairs!

Tell us about your space

We moved a few years ago in our space to the lower level, with plans to turn our basement into finished rooms. When that happened, my studio and all my supplies, went into the basement with a new bigger but temporary space. I quickly realized, while that new space was great but I also felt a bit secluded from all the things I loved upstairs, I wasn't creating as much because I just never found it inspirational to sit down in the basement alone! So I temporarily hauled this little desk upstairs into our living room so I could store some of my supplies in the corner of our living room and really make stuff! I have the bright light from our windows and all my plants to view.My books are right there. My dog is by my side napping and my kids are close by if they need me. (though I usually work best while they are asleep, I feel better knowing I can hear them if they wake up). So my space is makeshift for now, right in the middle of our living room but it's made a world of difference recognizing what I need in my space to create. It has been so important for me creatively, although perhaps adding to some of the mess and chaos in the house but that is ok, you have to do what works best for you to keep making! We still have to finish off our work in the basement, so I may go back to space down their after all, but for now this works.
This space has to be ready for a variety of activity, since I can be doing anything from sewing or crochet, to drawing or painting, or working on the computer.

What have you done to make your space cosy, beautiful or inspiring?

I moved my space upstairs into our family room to be closer to my family, to dogs and plants and just the life that is happening around us.

How do you keep organized?

I try my best to keep organized, and when I am not using a certain item, I can put it away in it's proper shelf, container, file, etc. When I am using it, it's usually out for days, so I can come back to it and have it ready when the inspiration strikes! This is far more challenging in our small space. There is a balance for me between having things organized and in their place, but also it can't be too pristine. I have to want to grab the supplies and and make messes with them! But complete chaos can be just as discouraging as things being to perfectly tidied up. Organized chaos must be how I roll!

Any tips & tricks for organising supplies?

Ha, no! This is what I need the most help with!

Which are your favourite possessions and are there any of your own creations on display?

It would be hard to choose a favorite possession, I have lots of things out around me that make me happy and keep me in a creative frame of mind. My plants all along the window sill, many in pots I have made myself. I will have my work on display while working on it, but I can't do that often, since it takes over our whole living space!

How do you organise your inspiration and ideas?

I always have several sketchbooks going at a time, mostly different sizes, or sometimes ones that are better for different media, like watercolor for example. But I write down and keep track of most ideas in these books. I also have a file full of images from postcards, or magazines that inspire me too. Pinterest works really well to virtually save lots of inspirational images in one place, that takes up no space at all.

Where do you look for inspiration?

Inspiration can come completely randomly through the most unexpected interaction. But since that doesn't always happen, I find I have to keep searching out others work as well to keep my own thoughts on a creative path. Through visiting museums and gallery's, or online through Pinterest and following other artists on Instagram. I just keep taking in eye candy in the hopes to help put out my own.

If you had three wishes, what would you do to make it the dream space?

My seriously ideal, dream space, would be a huge open white room, with windows and tons of sunlight coming in. Hopefully some nature to view out those windows. The space inside full of tables to work on multiple projects at a time, along with plenty of shelf and drawer storage space to keep things in order. My books all lined up on the wall. Blank wall space to hang up work, as well inspiration!
And of course access to my family, dogs and plants at any moment!

Whose craft room would you love to explore? Send us a message!




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