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Pippa creates her dream bedroom, filled with whimsical colours and features for today's #DIYTheRoom

I love that this room is bright and airy but also has lots of bright whimsical colours and features. This style could work in any size room as the pegboard headboard doesn't have to be a headboard it could be hung on a different wall.

Our Sidekicks are getting crafty with a Jewelry Stamping Kit from Makers Kit for today's #CraftTest and have created ten tutorials for you to try at home!

We're experimenting with alcoholic ice tea from Percy's Tea for today's #CocktailHour and baking a tea loaf, mince pie tart and mixing up a Percy's Ice Tea cocktail.

Calgary, AB, Canada •

The best thing about living in Calgary, besides the warm chinook winds is, we have some of the most breath-taking views and natural beauty found anywhere in Canada.

Come behind the scenes at Love. Luck. Kisses & Cake for a #CraftRoomTour and see Katelyn's lovely studio.

My favorite thing about my Studio is how HAPPY the space feels. It’s is such a bright & cheerful workspace & I feel so lucky to have such a lovely space to design & create in!

Isaura recreates the look of Ariel from The Little Mermaid for our latest #DIYTheLook

Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?

1316 3rd Street N, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 • Visit Website »

Make some cranberry orange pops and coconut pops with Backyard Pops in Jacksonville Beach, Florida.

Flateyri, Iceland •

Learn how-to bake Mömmukökur cookies in #AroundTheWorldIn80Dishes with Karen in Flateyri, Iceland.

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Carol S.

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We head to Maryland to meet Carol who is addicted to coffee, Hello Kitty, chocolate and crafting!

How did you find CO+K and why did you join?

My sister told me about the website because I wanted to find crafty projects and I've been a member ever since.

What projects are you currently working on?

I've just completed all of my Christmas gifts for family and friends. And before that, I completed 2 dozen hats for preemie babies. A friend of mine works for March of Dimes and put a call out to all of her knitting and crocheting friends for help.

Hi there! I am an illustrator, picture book enthusiast, tea-drinker, dog-petter and owner at the online shop extravaganza Draw Me A LIon. I also teach illustration for picture books at the Emily Carr University of Art & Design in Vancouver. http://drawmealion.com/

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