Learn how-to make a ruffled mesh ribbon necklace with Beaded Lily in Brighton.
How did you get started?
I worked at a famous bead shop in San Francisco in the 1980's and then moved up to Seattle in the 1990's where I had a shop of my own for ten years. Then, after a brief stint in the southwest, we set up shop in Florence, Italy. It was in Italy that my husband Tim learned how to make hand made glass beads in the Venetian tradition. It is also in Italy that we came across one of our signature products, Italian tubular wire mesh ribbon.
Where are you located?
We are now located in the vibrant town known as Brighton-Hove, England.
Which products do you specialise in?
We specialize in our own line of hand made beads using glass we import from the Venetian island of Murano. We also have a very large selection of Italian wire mesh ribbon, which we import from Milan. Other products in our shop include a wide variety of glass beads from around the world, metals from the US and Europe, artisan-made jewelry by myself, and various other eclectic surprises!
Do you have a particular favorite product that you sell?
Besides the lovely beads made by my husband Tim James, my favorite line that we sell is our Tubular wire mesh ribbon from Italy. It is innovative and very versatile, colorful, and can be used in many creative ways.
What's on the stereo?
Usually Eddie Vedder, with or without Pearl Jam:) I also have created a "radio station" especially for our store on Grooveshark, with a vast array of hand-selected tunes ranging from indie rock, classic rock, indie folk, flamenco, etc. Our "radio station" currently has a library of almost 2000 tracks, and is always growing.
Where else should we visit in your area?
The center of Brighton has an amazing independent shopping district known as the North Laine. No trip to Brighton is complete without a stroll around that eclectic and colorfully hip and fun area.
Do you host any workshops, classes or special events?
We host regular workshops in both glass bead making and jewelry making.
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
If you are looking for a hand-picked selection of interesting beads and jewelry making components, as well as a few surprises, then our little "Aladdin's Cave" may be right for you. As the retail experience gets more and more centralized and corporate, it is refreshing to find indie shops with personal style and flair as well as those run by people who really care about the products they sell and the art they lovingly create. We believe that Beaded Lily lives up to this ideal, in both our physical shop in lovely Hove, and our virtual shop at www.beadedlily.co.uk
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