Books »

Being a crafter you acquire a lot of supplies, and Ask the masters! Organizing Your Scrapbook Supplies is a book filled with ideas for getting all of those bits and pieces organized.

The book explores the workshops of a number of scrapbook artists to discover the ways in which they store and organize their supplies. As well as ideas for scrapbookers, there are lots of ideas that general crafters can use too - store your stickers neatly in a ring binger, wrap your ribbons around playing cards and colour coordinate your paper using individual boxes. There are even ideas for crafting on the go, organizing digital supplies, and tips for creating beautiful scrapbook pages.

Filled with neat storage inspiration and real life practical solutions, this book is a must have for anyone who hoards creative clutter.

Reader offer: use the code COK25 to get 25% off the price of the book from the mycraftivity shop.

You can also pick up a copy from Amazon now.




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