
Hey people Happy names Blaize If your here your probably want to know abit about me ayy?..
hmm think traveling gypsy - my car, my dog & cat (yes it gets crazy at times ), my laptop (mainly for music & writing) & camera. Juggalette for life whoop whoop!! Im weird, lazy, adventuress, confusing, headstrong, loyal abit of a nonconformist, pretty much a major adrenaline junkie *facepalm* So who wants to go sky diving!??!! XD Im 19 currently have blue/green hair Happy I love to be creative & cook but only if im hungry..well not the creative side of things i dont need to be hungry for that ;P Oh and i have a tendency to be completely crude at times because the morality filter between my brain and my mouth is out-of-order.. Sorry for that take no notice ;) I love randomness it keeps things fun & Sarcasm need i say more?? haha later guys Much Clown Love <3 xx
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