
Hello Everyone, I have to apologize for being blog-challenged! I'm just learning how to talk to people on my pc, can you believe it? A person now-a-days who can't use a computer for much more than email?!? Oh well, I'm learnin' as I go. Thank y'all for the warm welcome I received when I joined Cut Out + Keep. I'm really glad I found your web site.

I am 54 years old today! Yea! I have been happily married for 32 years in April, I have one grown daughter, I live in the Northwest corner of Pennsylvania, I was born and raised in Biloxi, Mississippi, and I am a full-time student. I'm in the Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice with Crime Scene Investigation program at Kaplan University; I'll have my BS in June, 2011, and I'm maintaining a 4.00 GPA! I love learning and that love encompasses many other subjects also, such as crocheting, embroidery, sewing, beading, cooking and reading, and I'm teaching myself to knit and work with wire to make jewelry...whew!

I will learn to blog, AIM, email, and any other computer-related subjects just as I learned the soft arts--by reading about it first. You guys are all great teachers, so I know I'll learn a lot from everyone; thank you for that.

At some point, I will learn to take digital photos and scan or upload or whatever it is I need to learn to get the photos on the computer and here where I can get your opinions of my work. Thank you for that, too.

I also love animals, especially big cats. I also like bears and wolves and all the domesticated varieties as well as the wild ones. My favorite quote is from a man wise beyond his years:

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace" -Jimi Hendrix

I'm looking forward to learning and chatting with everyone.


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Lisa H.
Lisa H. · Tulsa, Oklahoma, US · 16 projects
Thank you for the kind comment on my Wire-wrapped Tree of Life Ornament Tutorial!
Dawn R.
Dawn R. · Franklin, Pennsylvania, US
oops, I hit enter twice!
Dawn R.
Dawn R. · Franklin, Pennsylvania, US
Is this where I put my profile? I am an almost 54 year-old criminal justice major and will have my Bachelor's degree next June. I've been happily married for 31 years and have a passion for jewelry, crocheting, reading, and learning. It's great to find this site and I've seen a whole bunch of projects I want to make (when I find the time). I don't have a camera that works with my Kodak printer, so I can't upload pictures, yet--maybe one day soon. It's great to meet lots of people with some of the same interests I have. TTYL, Dawn
Dawn R.
Dawn R. · Franklin, Pennsylvania, US
Is this where I put my profile? I am an almost 54 year-old criminal justice major and will have my Bachelor's degree next June. I've been happily married for 31 years and have a passion for jewelry, crocheting, reading, and learning. It's great to find this site and I've seen a whole bunch of projects I want to make (when I find the time). I don't have a camera that works with my Kodak printer, so I can't upload pictures, yet--maybe one day soon. It's great to meet lots of people with some of the same interests I have. TTYL, Dawn