Cooking Superstar

Avocado A Day Nutrition

Cook along with Rachael from Avocado A Day Nutrition

Rachael Hartley
United States
Private practice dietitian and food/wellness blogger

When did you first get in to cooking and do you remember the first recipe you tried?

I've always been interested in food and cooking, since my parents cooked dinner for us every night growing up. The first recipe I remember successfully cooking was spaghetti with a homemade vegetable and tomato sauce with my best friend.

What's your kitchen like and how do you keep organized when cooking?

My kitchen is hyper-organized - probably the only part of the house that is! My fridge is always stocked with local eggs, almond milk, an astonishing array of condiments and all the produce we need for the week. I keep a wide variety of dry beans, flours, nuts and seeds organized in mason jars. While cooking, I try to stay organized by doing my prep work in advance and having all the ingredients laid out in front of me.

What tips would you give to someone wanting to become a better cook?

Have fun with it! Cooking is an art, not a science.

Who would you invite to your dream dinner party and what would you cook for them?

Brad Pitt and something that would make him fall in love with me. Kidding! I would invite all my dearest friends, who are currently scattered all over the country so it's rare to have everyone together all at once. I would cook a huge vegetarian feast, probably homemade veggie burgers, a big salad packed with lots of flavorful toppings and finish off with a decadent dessert.

Do you do any other crafts and what are your hobbies?

I love to scrapbook, but I'm about 4 years behind since starting my blog and private practice. I've got a wedding and five overseas trips to catch up on!

Which cooking blogs do you love to read?

Sprouted Kitchen, My New Roots, and Greek Kitchen Stories inspire me with their beautiful photography and inspired recipe creations. I also love to keep up with my fellow dietitian blogger friends, like The Adventures of MJ and Hungryman, Living Well Kitchen, The Foodie Dietitian, and Delicious Knowledge.

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Rachael Hartley
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  • false Cakes
  • false Dessert
  • false Pasta
  • false Vegetarian
  • false Meat
  • false Seafood
  • false Salad
  • false Drinks
  • false

What's your favorite...

TV Show
The Walking Dead
Too many! Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, The Lumineers and Otis Redding to name a few.
The Princess Bride
Cook Book
All of them! I cook Indian, Middle Eastern, Italian and Thai food quite frequently.
CHEESE, olives, cashews, fresh herbs, miso, avocado
Kitchen Gadget
My fancy wusthof knives