Cut Out + Keep

Woolfie Hood

kepps me warm and snuggly! • Posted by Renae C.

i love this. its so warm and cuddly :), my stupid sewing machine kepts stuffing up cuz it was too think but, so i had to do most of it buy hand... lol,, still EPIC!

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3 h 00


Medium 12032011 004  001 1299984518 Medium 12032011 005  1300169867


i love this. its so warm and cuddly :), my stupid sewing machine kepts stuffing up cuz it was too think but, so i had to do most of it buy hand... lol,, still EPIC!


  1. ok. so i just kinda used an old hoodie as a templat and cut it up so it looked right and stufff...

  2. then i traced the hood onto baking paper as a patternn

  3. then i just cut it all out and sewed it up.. just sew the ears on by hand and yeahhh... its all pretty much self explanertoryy...

  4. P.S. make sure u line it on both sides or it will look stupidddd

  5. have funn!!!!!!.. comment if u need more help!