Cut Out + Keep


Plushie, sock animal, felt • Posted by BanDitte

I meant to sew rabbits for my new little nephew, but when I had made the ears, it could not be anything but 3 little Totoros. They are really simple to make. And they have little butts :p I added a how to - hope it is understandable.

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium totoro 0881 edited 1 1275299528 Medium totoro 0900 edited 1 1275299658 Medium totoro 0899 edited 1 1275299703 Medium totoro 0902 edited 1 1275299717


I meant to sew rabbits for my new little nephew, but when I had made the ears, it could not be anything but 3 little Totoros. They are really simple to make. And they have little butts :p I added a how to - hope it is understandable.


  1. Small how to 1056 1275378701

    First, turn your sock inside out and flatten it out with the heel facing downwards. If forgot to turn it, so the sock I am demonstrating has the wrong side out.

  2. Small how to 1057 1275378782

    Draw the shape of the ears on the top. This is a 25 cm long sock, and the ears I drew are 6 cm long.

  3. Small how to 1061 edited 1 1275380897

    Sew along the line and cut away the middle part.

  4. Small how to 1062 edited 1 1275380938

    Time to stuff your Totoro. I used the filling of an old pillow. It is easy to shape.

  5. Small how to 1064 1275379108

    Stuff it til it is semi-hard and shape-able. Leave some fabric in the bottom.

  6. Small how to 1065 edited 1 1275380986

    Cut that part of and save it. Spare a little for seamallowance.

  7. Small how to 1068 edited 1 1275379250

    And now we make that famous little butt. Fold the fabric inside

  8. Small how to 1069 edited 1 1275379388

    Start sewing from inside the folded part. Insert the needle in all the little wrinkles in the fabric.

  9. Small how to 1070 edited 1 1275379473

    Hopefully it will end up looking like this. The first one looks better, I hurried trough this time.

  10. The tail is made from the spare piece of sock you cut off earlier.

  11. Small how to 1076 edited 1 1275379660

    Sew around it, but leave the end open. Stuff the tail and close it.

  12. Small how to 1078 edited 1 1275379728

    Attach it to the back of the Totoro. Some how one of the sides looks more like a back than the others. If not, it can be shaped.

  13. Small how to 1085 edited 1 1275379781

    Cut out eyes, nose, and belly in black and white felt. I just handdrew the pieces. If making the smallest Totoro, you only need to make eyes.

  14. Small how to 1086 edited 1 1275380304

    Glue the felt on. If it is for smaller children, you might want to sew it on.

  15. Small how to 1088 edited 1 1275380385

    I shaped the ears of the largest Totoro, with thread through the bottom of it's ears.

  16. Small how to 1090 edited 1 1275380539

    Make sure you sew it tightly enough, so the thread is not visible.

  17. Small how to 1091 edited 1 1275380604

    And you're done!