Cut Out + Keep

Toasty Coworkers, Pt.4

julie's scarf • Posted by manipadme designs

belovedly known in the office as the "sea cucumber." this one was made more economical by plying inexpensive nylon novelty yarn with wool art yarn. it's only garter stitches, but with increases and decreases every so often to create the zigzag effect. the fringe is knotted loops. see "toasty coworkers, pt.1" for more details on the project.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


3 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium julie det 1200021461


belovedly known in the office as the "sea cucumber." this one was made more economical by plying inexpensive nylon novelty yarn with wool art yarn. it's only garter stitches, but with increases and decreases every so often to create the zigzag effect. the fringe is knotted loops. see "toasty coworkers, pt.1" for more details on the project.
