Cut Out + Keep

Tiny Tassel Bracelet

A simple little colorful bracelet to add to the stack on your wrist. • Posted by maize hutton

Add some colorful tassels to your wrist!

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc 0094


Add some colorful tassels to your wrist!


  1. Small ttasselneed

    You'll need: Embroidery Thread Scissors Flat Nose Pliers Chain Ribbon Connectors Jump Rings Lobster Clasp Piece of small cardboard

  2. Small ttassel1

    Let's make tiny tassels! Cut a piece of cardboard to wrap your tassel. Cut a length of thread and lay it on the cardboard.

  3. Small ttassel2

    Wrap embroidery thread around the cardboard and cut piece. I wrapped mine 13 times.

  4. Small ttassel3

    Using the cut thread that you laid out first, bring it to the top and tie a knot.

  5. Small ttassel4

    Cut the tassel at the bottom and remove the cardboard. Insert the top of the tassel in the ribbon connector and use your pliers to flatten it down so secure.

  6. Small ttassel5

    Cut another length of thread and wrap it just under the connector. Tie a secure knot.

  7. Small  2bttassel5

    Insert a jump ring at the top of the ribbon connector and attach it to a link on the chain. Repeat for the other tassels. Add your lobster clasp and jump ring to each end.

  8. Small ttasselbracelet

    Fun & And Cute! You can also make tassels for a necklace!