Cut Out + Keep

Soda/beer Can Ashtrays

Based on Soda/Beer Can Ashtrays by nykole m. • Posted by Geneva I.

The key to this project, I think, is making the strips the right width and length - I've definitely messed up a few. There is also a tension that must be maintained as the strips are folded over and then under. The one on the left took longer because I left the strips really long and added extra folding steps. I started to trim them, but I liked the look of the pattern made on the underside, so I left them. That one's also been used, ewwgrosssorry.

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0 h 20


Nice & Simple
Medium stuffs 001 1205511331


The key to this project, I think, is making the strips the right width and length - I've definitely messed up a few. There is also a tension that must be maintained as the strips are folded over and then under. The one on the left took longer because I left the strips really long and added extra folding steps. I started to trim them, but I liked the look of the pattern made on the underside, so I left them. That one's also been used, ewwgrosssorry.
