Cut Out + Keep

Ruby Red Platform Heels

Ruby Red Glitter Pumps for any Dorothy to have • Posted by Sallamari

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 012



  1. Small 014

    Find all the things you will need. Collect them together. Fill shoes with paper to avoid any spray paint to smudge the insoles of the shoes.

  2. Small 015

    Find an old cardboard box and paint the shoes with red spray inside that box. Then spray the red paint all over the shoes. Or do painting outside if the weather is nice.

  3. Small 016

    Paint one side and wait. Paint the other side and wait more. Paint until the shoe is nice and red.

  4. Small 017

    Paint the other shoe red. Paint and wait. Paint and wait. Wait more and let the shoes dry. Then paint the outher soles of the shoes green. (or with any other color)

  5. Small 013

    Cover the shoes with thin layer of glitter red paint. Wait and let the glue dry. Repeat multiple times until the red glittery outlook of the shoes looks even. When shoes are totally dry + they look nice and even, add finishing touch to shoes with thin layer of clear spray varnish.

  6. Small 004

    Congratulate yourshelf. You have made a nice pair of Ruby Red Glitter Heels. Follow the Yellow Brick Road and find your way back home. ...'cause Dorothy, There is no place like home!