Cut Out + Keep

Recycled Wrapper Baby Bib

These make fun, unique baby shower gifts! :D • Posted by MoJo

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 45


Nice & Simple
Medium 100 1039 1215150744



  1. Small 10596

    Trace your bib out onto a piece of paper or cardboard to make a template and cut it out.

  2. Small 10597

    Put the template on top of your wrapper to make sure it's the going to work. You can make just about any wrapper work by cutting and taping it back together in the right shape.

  3. Small 10598

    When you have your wrapper all ready to go, put it on top of your flannel or fleece wrong side to wrong side and then put the piece of clear vinyl over top.

  4. Small 10599

    Pin the template in place on top and cut around it.

  5. Small 10600

    Remove the template and sew around the edge of the bib. This part can be a little tricky so go slow and make sure you sew through all three layers.

  6. Small 10601

    Trim the edge to make it neat, then add some velcro and you're all set! :D