Cut Out + Keep

Reading Rainbow

Book nails for the lit lover! • Posted by Kelly O.

Book Nails for the literature lover! Tools you need: needle brush and flat brush. Polish you need: red, yellow, green, blue purple, white, black, pink and base and top coat.

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0 h 30


Medium readingrainbow


Book Nails for the literature lover! Tools you need: needle brush and flat brush. Polish you need: red, yellow, green, blue purple, white, black, pink and base and top coat.


  1. Small booksteps1

    Start by painting each nail with your rainbow colors. Red, yellow, green, blue and a purple. (or whatever colors of the rainbow you choose).

  2. Small booksteps2

    Using your white polish and a needle brush make a diamond or square shape for one half of the book.

  3. Small booksteps3

    Reflect the diamond shape over one side to create the second half of the book.

  4. Small booksteps4

    repeat open book shape over rest of the nail, allowing some books to go off nail bed.

  5. Small booksteps5

    Using your small flat brush fill in book shape with your white polish.

  6. Small booksteps6

    Outline each book with another of the "rainbow" colors. Add two lines down the center for books with spine facing upward.

  7. Small booksteps7

    Using needle brush fill in books with spine facing upward using other rainbow colors. For books with page side up do a second outline.

  8. Small booksteps8

    Again with your white polish and needle brush make triangle shapes on one side of the books with spine facing up. Keep in mind that one triangle equals one page. Also with your white make small hearts on cover.

  9. Small booksteps9

    Fill in the heart shape with your pink polish, then outline with white.

  10. Small booksteps10

    Finally with your black and needle brush make squiggle lines on the books with page side up, and outline pages with spine side up. Seal with top coat. Alternate colors on each nail!