Cut Out + Keep

Panda Purse

PandaPower! • Posted by Käpt´n Toasterkopf

A pandalicious and oh so felty way to keep your money. ...But my fingers were so relieved when they were done sewing...Damn, that hurt! Sewing through 4 layers of fabric and partly 4 layers of felt by hand sucks after a while.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium dscn1291 1262267060 Medium dscn1288 1262267176 Medium dscn1285 1262267222


A pandalicious and oh so felty way to keep your money. ...But my fingers were so relieved when they were done sewing...Damn, that hurt! Sewing through 4 layers of fabric and partly 4 layers of felt by hand sucks after a while.
