Cut Out + Keep

Pair Of Dice Costume

A Halloween costume that I made for my boyfriend and I. • Posted by Court-Court

For the past 3 or 4 years I have been going with someone trick-or-treating as a pair. And this year I wanted to take my boyfriend so we could go as something cute. I don't have a very wide budget (considering that I don't get an allowance) so I just used my crafts that I already had to design a really cute pair of dice. Everyone who saw us in my neighborhood loved it. And we were the only one around that had such a unique costume.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium halloween 010 modified 1231006403


For the past 3 or 4 years I have been going with someone trick-or-treating as a pair. And this year I wanted to take my boyfriend so we could go as something cute. I don't have a very wide budget (considering that I don't get an allowance) so I just used my crafts that I already had to design a really cute pair of dice. Everyone who saw us in my neighborhood loved it. And we were the only one around that had such a unique costume.


  1. Find two reasonably square boxes and hot glue them together. *leave one of the ends unglued so it looks like a box that has just been opened*

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    Cut the flaps off of the un-open end so it looks like a cube with a missing face.

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    Find a bowl that will make a big enough hole for your head to slide through. Flip the box so the open end is at the bottom. Place the bowl on top directly in the middle and trace its outside. Use scissors or an X Acto knife to cut the outline out.

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    Flip the box on its side and use the same bowl to out line the arm hole. *You may want to adjust the bowl so it is more at the top rather than the middle so your arms can hang comfortably* Cut out the traced line using your utensil. Repeat for the other side.

  5. Stand your box back up on its side. Pour the white paint on a big enough canvas that you can use your large paintbrush to dip it in. Paint the entire box white. *you do not have to paint the inside*

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    After the paint has dried, find a jar or cup that can be a good size for the dots. Place and trace the dots on the box before starting to paint. *Helping tip: use this picture to help you know how many dots go on each side and where.*

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    Use the black paint to color in each dot carefully. This step is the most time consuming and may take a while. The more careful and precise you are, the better it will look.

  8. After the paint is dried, you are complete. And Vuh lah! You have a pair of dice for you and your friend/companion/family member can enjoy for fun or a holiday.