Cut Out + Keep

Mushroom & Slaw Burgers

North Carolina inspired mushroom burgers! • Posted by Cat Morley

I've become obsessed with the idea of recreating the vegan pulled pork burgers we had at The Remedy Diner in North Carolina, so for this week's cooking experiment, I attempted to recreate the dish with portobello mushrooms.

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Nice & Simple
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I've become obsessed with the idea of recreating the vegan pulled pork burgers we had at The Remedy Diner in North Carolina, so for this week's cooking experiment, I attempted to recreate the dish with portobello mushrooms.


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    Before you start cooking, stew the mushrooms in a bowl filled with root beer

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    Mix together the aioli, mustard, yogurt and lemon juice in a bowl.

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    Shred the red cabbage, carrot and apple and stir in to the dressing.

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    Dust the mushrooms with your spices.

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    Drizzle the mushrooms with a generous amount of BBQ sauce.

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    Chop the onion and garlic cloves and shred the mushrooms. Fry together until the onions are golden.

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    Serve on a toasted bun with the mushrooms on the bottom half and the slaw on the top.