Cut Out + Keep

Make Fake Fur (String Method Hand Sewing Only)

This is a bit faster then by sewing machine! • Posted by EstherC

OK the main photo IS the same one as in the by sewing machine way, but the Results are so close it does not matter.

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Pretty Easy
Medium o  19 2 1317533418


OK the main photo IS the same one as in the by sewing machine way, but the Results are so close it does not matter.


  1. Small new  2  1317532581

    OK just like the other method you need a flat bar as wide as you want your fur to be long. You tie it at the top and wrap around the bar...

  2. Small new  3  1317532605

    Keep wrapping it as long as you wnat your fur, and if you need it longer then that you can start sewing this down and then slide it part way off and wrap some more and keep stiching...

  3. Small img 0203 1317532695

    Same as with the other method you use a botton whole stich on every loop of the thread the only diffrence is you Stich through the fabric where you want the fur.

  4. Small img 0204 1317532745

    the stich goes under a loop of the string and through the fabric, it makes a loop of thread

  5. Small img 0205 1317532758

    you go back through the loop and then pull that tight. For ever loop of string.

  6. Small img 0206 1317532754

    it leaves a tight line of stiches at the top. -sliding the bar out of the loops gets hard the more of it you have covered. I would do about an inch and move it down a bit then do another inch.

  7. Small img 0208 1317532817

    when you reach the end of where you wnat the fur, pull out the bar, leaving the threads long so you can tie them

  8. Small img 0210 1317532879

    tie the thread to the sting to make sure both are secure.

  9. Small img 0216 1317532870

    Here is one row...

  10. Small o  19 2 1317532861

    Here are 3 rows finished