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its just like the coin purses, but more manly!
I forgot to take pictures as I went because I was so excited by my idea - and it was for a school art project based on recycling. I began by preparing all the different bits of the wallet before stitching them all togther. I stitched them because I found it hard to find a glue that was sticky and strong enough to hold the bits together.

I think the pictures i took at the end and the step by step text show the process of making the wallet pretty clearly. Unfortunatley I can't take any more pictures of the wallet because its in school and I don't get it back for a while.

Posted by Alice D. Published See Alice D.'s 3 projects »
  • Step 1

    I began with the biggets part of the wallet - the "notes" section.
    The "notes" part of the wallet is made form an oblong carton. The inside side is just cut a bit smaller than the outfacing side. I measured the size for the note bit against the biggest note you can get just to make sure.

  • Step 2

    Next i cut the pieces for the cards, this is on the left hand side of thw wallet when it is open. I used a square carton for this and I just cut one or two sides into different lengths.

  • Step 3

    I made the coins section in the way that the other tutorials show. But., i made a hole in the juice carton lid and a corner of the carton so that I could join them by a piece of twine.

  • How to make a carton purse. Juice Carton Wallet - Step 4
    Step 4

    This step is important. I stitched an elastic band onto the back of one side of the outside of the wallet so that it would stay closed.

  • Step 5

    I then began to stitch the parts together. I made up the coin part and joined it to the wallet before stitching up the right side of the wallet where the notes go.

  • How to make a carton purse. Juice Carton Wallet - Step 6
    Step 6

    I then stitched the card slots together on the side that does not line up with the edge of the wallet. Once they were joined I lined up the Card holder with the edge of the wallet and stitched up the side. This joined the two "seams" where the notes go and it also joined the card holder to the wallet.

  • How to make a carton purse. Juice Carton Wallet - Step 7
    Step 7

    And that was it! I found that using doubled up thread was easiest beacuse its stronger and more durable.

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ann s.
ann s.
this is so cool
im going to do this!

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