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5 mins

Cute, fast, and easy(:
Music is life for me... So I wanted to make a guitar pick necklace since I already had earrings (which I bought, but are a bad attempt at making realistic guitar picks, soo I might just make my own.) so why not make a necklace? It only took me literally less than 5 minutes. Sorry for the bad pics, i had to use my webcam. >.<

Posted by Sammi<333 from Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States • Published See Sammi<333's 11 projects »

  • How to make a guitar pick pendant. Guitar Pick Necklace - Step 1
    Step 1

    Get your guitar pick, metal ring, chain, and needle.
    Any guitar pick should work. I searched my house for a Fender one, but couldn't find one. x(

  • How to make a guitar pick pendant. Guitar Pick Necklace - Step 2
    Step 2

    Heat up the needle with either a lighter, or the stove. Either works. Poke it through the top where you want the ring to go. Don't leave it in too long, and make sure the hole isn't too big or too small. And try not to melt the pick. ;)

  • How to make a guitar pick pendant. Guitar Pick Necklace - Step 3
    Step 3

    Wait a minute for the pick to cool off, and careful of the hot needle. Put the metal ring in the hole, and close it back up. If its too hard to close it with your fingers, use a needle nose pliers.

  • How to make a guitar pick pendant. Guitar Pick Necklace - Step 4
    Step 4

    Put it on the necklace chain and you're done!!!


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