Cut Out + Keep

Floral Nail Art!

Super easy nail art • Posted by

This floral nail art is cute and very easy to make!

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0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf2583 1277038383


This floral nail art is cute and very easy to make!


  1. Small dscf2590 1277038439

    Take all the things you need! If you want, you can add a base coat.

  2. Small dscf2571 1277038694

    Paint your nails in one colour, this colour has to be lighter than the colours you want to make your flowers with.

  3. Small dscf2574 1277038877

    Make with the next colour a round of 5 dots.

  4. Small dscf2581 1277038967

    Go with a toothpick from the middle from a dot to the middle of the circle of dots. Repeat step 3 and 4 on every finger, you can make as much flowers as you want.

  5. Small dscf2582 1277039155

    Put, with another toothpick, a dot in the middle of a flower. Repeat this with every flower.

  6. Small dscf2583 1277039235

    Tadada! You're done :)