Cut Out + Keep

Fabric Valentine Book

How to make a Fabric Valentine Book • Posted by belle

The premise I love books, I do not mean I love to read( I like it just fine). I love holding books; turning the pages slowly and quickly. I love the intimate interaction demanded by a book. I love the historical references of books; the implications of freedom and equality that are aroused from ones mind when you think of the history of book making and the spread of knowledge to the common folk( my peeps). I love making books. I have spent years keeping art journals and then making books; every art project was premeditated, inspired by and made record with the help of a book. I am sure my tactile fascination with books was born when I was a wee little Darling', of which I have no memory( I have a terrible memory). However I can remember how books became more and more involved in my creative process. .....This is getting too drawn out. Sorry book making brings out the art nerd in me. It is all from journals, I believe, In the beginning of my " serious study of art" my journals were always more interesting (to me and to others) than the actual finished art piece. So I must conclude now in retrospect, That I started making books, as art, out of my desire to bring the viewer closer to me; to give them a more realistic and honest rendering of my view point. When I was teaching a beginning design class at The university of Arizona , I assigned a very similar project to this tutorial. Each student was asked to write down four words describing something in there room at home. Then write one word for the thing. We then made pamphlet style collage books and used the words as the text for the book. I liked doing this project in the very first class because the result was so informative about the student; Like little visual autobiographies. I suggest you make the paper book first to get a feel for this.This is a great first run to hash out ideas and understand the folding method of the pamphlet. They are actually great to have around for making little memory books or we love making "comic" books out of them. The project...these books are to be valentines. Choose who you are making the Valentine for. I made three(well I am still working on the third)I chose as my valentine : mother, lover, and burger. For the 4 words you can use almost anything. Just choose something that is relevant and fun loving for your recipient. The fifth word will be a term of endearment. For my mother I decided to do the traditional 4 descriptive words...using her as my muse.I actually decide on the words by writing like 10 or 20 ideas and using a dictionary to help me decide on the words I liked best together. For my lover I decided to use the title to a song by one of our shared favorite musicians, Allen Toussaint.His music conjures up such sweet memories of our courtship and we became engaged in N'orleans. For burger I chose a movie( star wars of course) and his favorite characters from the movie.( I am still working on no photos yet)

You will need

Project Budget


3 h 00


Medium p2010212 Medium p2010278 Medium p2010201 Medium p2010329 Medium p2010258 Medium p2010342 Medium p2010225 Medium p2010317 Medium p2010314 Medium p2010085 Medium p1310203


The premise I love books, I do not mean I love to read( I like it just fine). I love holding books; turning the pages slowly and quickly. I love the intimate interaction demanded by a book. I love the historical references of books; the implications of freedom and equality that are aroused from ones mind when you think of the history of book making and the spread of knowledge to the common folk( my peeps). I love making books. I have spent years keeping art journals and then making books; every art project was premeditated, inspired by and made record with the help of a book. I am sure my tactile fascination with books was born when I was a wee little Darling', of which I have no memory( I have a terrible memory). However I can remember how books became more and more involved in my creative process. .....This is getting too drawn out. Sorry book making brings out the art nerd in me. It is all from journals, I believe, In the beginning of my " serious study of art" my journals were always more interesting (to me and to others) than the actual finished art piece. So I must conclude now in retrospect, That I started making books, as art, out of my desire to bring the viewer closer to me; to give them a more realistic and honest rendering of my view point. When I was teaching a beginning design class at The university of Arizona , I assigned a very similar project to this tutorial. Each student was asked to write down four words describing something in there room at home. Then write one word for the thing. We then made pamphlet style collage books and used the words as the text for the book. I liked doing this project in the very first class because the result was so informative about the student; Like little visual autobiographies. I suggest you make the paper book first to get a feel for this.This is a great first run to hash out ideas and understand the folding method of the pamphlet. They are actually great to have around for making little memory books or we love making "comic" books out of them. The project...these books are to be valentines. Choose who you are making the Valentine for. I made three(well I am still working on the third)I chose as my valentine : mother, lover, and burger. For the 4 words you can use almost anything. Just choose something that is relevant and fun loving for your recipient. The fifth word will be a term of endearment. For my mother I decided to do the traditional 4 descriptive words...using her as my muse.I actually decide on the words by writing like 10 or 20 ideas and using a dictionary to help me decide on the words I liked best together. For my lover I decided to use the title to a song by one of our shared favorite musicians, Allen Toussaint.His music conjures up such sweet memories of our courtship and we became engaged in N'orleans. For burger I chose a movie( star wars of course) and his favorite characters from the movie.( I am still working on no photos yet)


  1. Small p1310095

    cut and starch iron your base fabric. This 19" x 13 " fabric should be at least med weight. I chose one darker value one lighter value and one that had printed images. This will allow me to layer from dark to light and one from light to dark and on the third deal with the challenge of editing the printed images.

  2. Small p1310113

    cut, iron, and attach your back ground fabric. Apply the heat and bond to all your back ground fabrics. I used translucent sheer fabrics that would help me create depth in my layering and help create a variety of values.

  3. Small p1310125

    Make your pamphlet. a. fold in half vertically and Iron

  4. Small p1310130

    b. fold in half horizontally and iron

  5. Small p1310139

    c. fold both ends to meet in the middle creating four fold across

  6. Small p1310144

    d.unfold your ends and cut from the middle to the first fold

  7. Small p1310145

    .... creating a slit in the center.

  8. Small p1310148


  9. Small p1310150

    Fold and iron you pamphlet . Hold on to the fabric on both sides of the slit,

  10. Small p1310151

    ....pull open

  11. Small p1310152

    ....and fold your pamphlet

  12. Small p1310153


  13. Small p1310154

    into shape.

  14. Small p1310155


  15. Small p1310168

    Iron the entire book

  16. Small p1310170

    shaping it as you go along.

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  19. Small p1310162

    This book will be whimsical and loose don't worry if all your edges don't match up perfectly, because they will not; you can work that into your design.

  20. Small p1270073

    Create your lay out.

  21. Small p1270071

    Using pins and your memory start designing each page.

  22. Small p1310207

    Now it is time to dig into your creativity and have fun.

  23. Small p2010149

    This is when I establish the flow of my text.

  24. Small p2010234

    That helps me start working each page individually. Of course you want flow through the book you can use color

  25. Small p2010222

    and repition of shapes and fabric to help create continuity in your book,

  26. Small p2010313

    but before I deal with my final flow first I try to give each page an individual look.

  27. Small p2010095

    Attach your design elements. I used heat and bond on all my fabric pieces, some I then added stiching by hand

  28. Small p2010077

    ...and machine. I used stamps, stencils and embroidery to illustrate my text.

  29. Small p2010078

    I suggest stamping on bits of fabric then attaching that to your book.

  30. Small p2010126

    This gives you another layer and saves your book from accidents.

  31. Add buttons or other imbellishments that you will be wanting to hide the work in the interior of the book.

  32. Small p2010155

    Finsh your edges...or not. If this is an artist book not soemthing you will be laudering( like a kids book) you could skip this all together( just heat bond everything), but I just love stitches too much . One method is to topstitch about 1/4 to 1/8 from the edge.

  33. Small p2010194

    I actually sewed around my book several times

  34. Small p2010284

    ...using the machine to draw some ephemeral lines of continuity throughout my pages. (speaking of machines LOOK!!! at my, new to me, necchi let me just say...whole new world lalalalalaalove it!)

  35. Small p2010211

    Another method for finishing your pages is to turn and press all your edges in about 1/8 of an inch then fold your pamphlet and top stitch the edges together. I find the method slightly tedious looking for my aesthetic( but not my mothers so I finished hers like this).

  36. Small p2010350

    Whichever finish you choose from above ,

  37. Small p2010203

    Follow this sequence as you sew close your book up: After you have chosen an edge finish - fold your book back into shape and PRESS.- Sew your edges together starting with the front pages

  38. Small p2010207

    -then iron- next the back pages -iron - then work the middle pages taking care to iron and keep the shape of your book all along.

  39. Small p2010206

    Press with Iron. one final shaping with the iron....nice and hot

  40. Small p2010342

    share your love