Cut Out + Keep

Ermergency Safety Plug Covers

For Emergency use.... • Posted by Conti

When you dont have safety plugs on hand these become handy especialy when you have a nice that comes over and tries to put a toy in the plug thats what happend to me. Its a way to recycle and it also helps so dust dont get in your plugs hope you like the idea.

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 03


Pretty Easy
Medium 100 2690 1298428414 Medium 100 2682 1298428527 Medium 100 2683 1298428586 Medium 100 2685 1298428673 Medium 100 2688 1298428718 Medium 100 2687 1298428760 Medium 100 2686 1298428814 Medium 100 2690 1298428862


When you dont have safety plugs on hand these become handy especialy when you have a nice that comes over and tries to put a toy in the plug thats what happend to me. Its a way to recycle and it also helps so dust dont get in your plugs hope you like the idea.
