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Keep those threads from Knotting!
I needed a way to keep my threads so I could easily cut the amount i wanted and not end up with a tangled mess. I remembered seeing a great way to solve this here:

Posted by Jewels from Ventura, California, United States • Published See Jewels's 7 projects »
  • Step 1

    Go out and buy your threads. I bought mine at Michael's for about 4 bucks. Get some card stock while you are at it! Or any thick paper that your printer will be able to print on.

  • How to organize a thing. Embroidery Floss Organizing - Step 2
    Step 2

    Print out the little designs from the website and start cutting!! ::snip snip::
    I used a large hole punch for the sides where i was going to wind the thread around. You can just cut indents if you dont have a large hole punch.

  • How to organize a thing. Embroidery Floss Organizing - Step 3
    Step 3

    This is where it can get tricky, It took a lot of undoing knots until I got it right. I took the paper sleeve off my threads then open up the threads so you end up with a large loop of thread and slip it on your wrist. now take a little card and start winding! This keeps all the thread from tangling, (it still may get knots, GO SLOW)

  • How to organize a thing. Embroidery Floss Organizing - Step 4
    Step 4

    Now put all your little threaded cards together and admire them! This makes it easy to cut and use. =)



Bella Trix
Bella Trix · Manchester, England, GB · 3 projects
yeah....what website for the designs??
whats the link?
KonKord Chimpanzy
KonKord Chimpanzy · Toronto, Ontario, CA · 3 projects
What website did you find these on? The link is not there. thx
Cat Morley
Cat Morley · London, GB · 1432 projects
That is an excellent idea, I'm going to do that right now. Thanks xo
queenfairypants · Manchester, England, GB · 75 projects
these are really good I think I'll just draw my own designs on them Happy

Nosnin · Chicago, Illinois, US · 21 projects
I have something like that. But I hate to wrap them because the thread something gets tangled and I want to throw it out the window! But they do look nice and neat and pretty!
Lilim · 17 projects
Those are to pretty. I hate the ones you can buy in the store their always so ugly and you cant write on them >.> I like to write the colour of the thread number so I know what it is when I run out

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