Cut Out + Keep

Diy Hair Pins By Using Shrinky Dink

These diy hair pins are inspired by the cool arrow patterns. And besides this, about the materials we make use of, the magical Shrinky Dink. It is definitely a piece of easy-to-follow and quick-to-finished handmade jewelry. • Posted by

These diy hair pins are inspired by the cool arrow patterns. And besides this, about the materials we make use of, the magical Shrinky Dink. It is definitely a piece of easy-to-follow and quick-to-finished handmade jewelry.

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium amusing handmade jewelry diy hair pins by using shrinky dink


These diy hair pins are inspired by the cool arrow patterns. And besides this, about the materials we make use of, the magical Shrinky Dink. It is definitely a piece of easy-to-follow and quick-to-finished handmade jewelry.


  1. Small amusing handmade jewelry diy hair pins by using shrinky dink step1

    Step1: Draw the arrow pattern on your Shrinky Dink. Then cut then out.

  2. Small amusing handmade jewelry diy hair pins by using shrinky dink step2

    Step2: Paint each shape with Gold Marker.

  3. Small amusing handmade jewelry diy hair pins by using shrinky dink step3

    Step3: Heat the Shrinky Dink according to the instructions on package.

  4. Small amusing handmade jewelry diy hair pins by using shrinky dink step4

    Step4: Glue on the arrows onto the bobby pins.

  5. Small amusing handmade jewelry diy hair pins by using shrinky dink finished
