Cut Out + Keep

Dinosaur Diva Book Covers

Add some ferocious fashion to your books! • Posted by Lauren

For my school books this year, I wanted to do something different, yet quirky and whimsical. I came up with these book covers. They were such fun to put together and really simple yet effective. :) I don't have any pictures for the steps, but it's really easy, so you shouldn't need any help.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 40


Pretty Easy
Medium p1070565 Medium p1070561 Medium p1070559 Medium p1070562


For my school books this year, I wanted to do something different, yet quirky and whimsical. I came up with these book covers. They were such fun to put together and really simple yet effective. :) I don't have any pictures for the steps, but it's really easy, so you shouldn't need any help.


  1. Find a fashion editorial you like, and get the pages together. I only had four books, so I only needed four pages.

  2. Find pictures of dinosaur faces (I liked the more scientifically accurate ones) and print them. Cut them out.

  3. Stick the dinosaur faces onto your pages of the editorial, and paste the pages onto your book covers!